Steven Spielberg’s Latest 10 Movies vs. Greatest 10 Movies (NEW FEATURE)

Steven SpielbergA new feature here at Killing Time.  We’re going to look at directors, actors and actresses and assess the state of their career as it stands.  We’ll look back at the last 10 movies the artist has done, give it a grade and then average them out to see where they stand.  We’ll also rank their 10 best movies and give it the same treatment to see how an artist is doing now against their very best work.  If you have ideas for other kinds of artists to grade, let me know.  This is a bit of an experimental try for me so I’m totally open to tweaking suggestions.  (A quick side-note: if an artist is also a regular on a TV show we’ll grade the seasons as individuals if they fall within the last 10 projects).

I have a difficult relationship with Steven Spielberg.  Is he one of the greatest directors of all-time.  Yes.  Do I feel he should have stopped making movies about ten to fifteen years ago?  Absolutely.  Spielberg suffers from an inability to end his movies when they need to end and he’s lost his guts.  The Spielberg that had the T-Rex eat the lawyer off the toilet is gone.  He’s been replaced by the Spielberg who photoshopped walkie talkies into the hands of the cops chasing E.T. and Elliot because it was “too scary”.

His contributions to film are undeniable.  In my opinion, Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best action-adventure movie of all-time.  It’s flawless.  Saving Private Ryan and Schindler’s List are two of the most important and best motion pictures ever made.  I so wanted last year’s Lincoln to be of that caliber, but the truth is that Daniel Day-Lewis carried that film and saved Spielberg from an embarrassingly childish opening that would have been laughable in a third grade play, rabbit trails that took the focus off the 13th Amendment (which is the POINT of the film) and a perfect ending missed.  That shot of Lincoln walking down the hall on the way to the theater?  Fade to black.  That’s it.  That’s all you needed and something of that ilk happens every time.  He’s great, he’s legendary and he frustrates me more than any director still working.  Let’s look at KT ratings for the latest ten Spielberg-helmed projects:

1. Lincoln (2012)……………………………………8.50
2. War Horse (2011)…………………………….5.50
3. The Adventures of Tin Tin (2011)…6.25
4. Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
5. Munich (2005)*………………………………..2.50
6. War of the Worlds (2005)……………..5.75
7. The Terminal (2004)……………………….8.00
8. Catch Me If You Can (2002)………….9.50
9. Minority Report (2002)…………………9.00
10. A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)..4.25
* On Munich, I don’t think I’ve ever been more offended by a movie’s ending than Munich’s.  It’s inexplicable, obscene and four years after 9/11 in such bad taste that I don’t even know-to this day-why more people didn’t pitch a fit over its ham-handed opportunism.

1. Shindler’s List (1993)……………………..10.0
2. Saving Private Ryan (1998)…………..10.0
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)……..10.0
4. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)…10.0
5. Jurassic Park (1993)……………………….10.0
6. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)……..9.75
7. Jaws (1975)……………………………………….9.50
8. The Color Purple (1985)…………………9.50
9. Catch Me If You Can (2002)…………..9.50
10. Amistad (1997)………………………………9.25
I personally don’t like Jaws or The Color Purple very much (yes yes, whatever, boo hiss to you), but I can’t knock the craft of the film making or their importance in the history of cinema.  The top four you can arrange pretty much any way you’d like.  I think Jurassic Park is just below Raiders in terms of summer blockbuster perfection and when you’re talking about movies of this caliber (especially the top of the list) you can make an argument for ranking them any way you’d like.

Spielberg was attached to direct Bradley Cooper in American Sniper, but has dropped that project and is not officially signed to anything at the moment.  His last ten shows wild swings in quality and is, arguably, the worst period of his career.  His best work is on par with any director’s in the history of the medium.  I hope he has one more great film left in him.  I’d love to see that.  I just don’t trust him anymore to deliver.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes Achievment/Trophy List is Lego-tastic

Lego Marvel Super Heroes
I make no apologies for my LEGO obsession.  LEGOs are all that is right in the world.  Combine that with the Marvel Universe….for the next gen version on Xbox One….(pause while Dave talks a calm-down walk around the apartment).  I love Lego achievements.  They’re always creative and fun and this list is just pure joy.  Plus I think I see a 1000G in the near future for my gamercard.
There are 45 achievements with a total of 1000 points.
Sand Central Station 20 
Complete Level 1 – Sand Central Station
Times Square Off 20 
Complete Level 2 – Times Square Off
Exploratory Laboratory 20 
Complete Level 3 – Exploratory Laboratory
Rock up at the Lock up 20 
Complete Level 4 – Rock up at the Lock up
Rebooted, Resuited 20 
Complete Level 5 – Rebooted, Resuited
Red Head Detention 20 
Complete Level 6 – Red Head Detention
Bifrosty Reception 20 
Complete Level 7 – Bifrosty Reception
Juggernauts and Crosses 20 
Complete Level 8 – Juggernauts and Crosses
Doctor in the House 20 
Complete Level 9 – Doctor in the House
That Sinking Feeling 20 
Complete Level 10 – That Sinking Feeling
Taking Liberties 20 
Complete Level 11 – Taking Liberties
Rapturous Rise 20 
Complete Level 12 – Rapturous Rise
Magnetic Personality 20 
Complete Level 13 – Magnetic Personality
A Doom with a View 20 
Complete Level 14 – A Doom with a View
The Good, the Bad and the Hungry 20 
Complete Level 15 – The Good, the Bad and the Hungry
Falling… with Style 20 
Complete first Helicarrier skydive  (2)
Don’t I Know You? 20 
Team up Captain America with Human Torch (Co-op)  (9)
Stan-tastic 30 
Rescue Stan Lee from every peril (Single Player)
Road Rage 20 
Destroy 100 vehicles in the Manhattan hub
It’s Clobberin’ Time! 20 
Defeat 100 enemies as the Thing
I’m Always Angry! 20 
Transform into the Hulk 50 times  (2)
Billionaire Philanthropist 40 
Collect 1,000,000,000 studs (Single Player)  (5)
This Is fantastic! 20 
First time turning Mister Fantastic into a teapot
You Win a No-Prize! 40 
Complete game 100% (Single Player)  (1)
Avengers Assembled 50 
Collect all Avengers characters in the game (Single Player)
Sinister Six 20 
Collect Doc Ock, Sandman, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Electro and Vulture (Single Player)
To Me, My X-Men 20 
Collect all traditionally heroic mutants (Single Player)  (1)
Brotherhood 20 
Collect all traditionally evil mutants (Single Player)
I Am Iron Man 20 
Collect all Iron Man armors (Single Player)  (2)
Stan’s Soapbox 20 
Turn into Stan Hulk  (3)
Post-Credit Party 50 
Complete House Party Protocol
The Toast of Croydon 20 
Create a character called “Trevor” in the character customizer  (3)
Puny God 20 
Perform Hulk’s special move on Loki  (2)
Welcome to Level 7 20 
Play as Agent Coulson
It’s Me Time! 20 
Read a comic in Deadpool’s room on the Helicarrier  (1)
Bad Luck? 20 
Unlock Black Cat (Single Player)
Zoo Believer 30 
Unlock all animal-themed characters (Single Player)
Guardians of the Galaxy 20 
Unlock all the Guardians of the Galaxy (Single Player)
Fastball Special 20 
Perform a special throwing move as Colossus on Wolverine
Menace of Magneto 20 
Drive to the Baxter Building as Magneto in the Magneto Mobile
Alter Ego 20 
Perform all big LEGO figure transformations
Can’t Hurt Me Bub 10 
Regenerate as Wolverine  (2)
Cosplay 20 
Create a custom character
Ultimate True Believer 20 
Unlock all True Believers (Single Player)
Really? 10 
Collect Howard the Duck (Single Player)  (3)


Batman Prequel Series Featuring Commissioner Gordon Headed to TV

I was just geeking out watching the first season of Arrow on blu ray and thinking that DC should really try competing with Marvel on TV rather than catching up at the box office. This sounds like a great idea and added to Arrow and The Flash that’s a heck of start to a TV DCU.

PowerUp Online


Fox has secured a deal for a prequel television series centered on a younger James Gordon.  Gordon, who goes on to become Gotham’s commissioner and Batman’s ally, served as a detective in Gotham’s police force before working his way to the top of a corrupt justice system in a decaying city.  The television series will focus on his time as a detective and is said to include some of the iconic villains from the Batman universe, however it will not feature the Caped Crusader himself (though this doesn’t mean that one Bruce Wayne won’t make an appearance in the show in one form or another).

The show is being produced by creator of The Mentalist Bruno Heller with a full series order from Fox.  No word yet on casting or when the show is set to premiere, but we do have a title:  Gotham.

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