Tag Archives: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Kylo Ren Reviews Solo: A Star Wars Story!!!


Solo: A Star Wars Story has proven to be a box office disaster for Disney, and has been received with mixed reaction with the fans.  I enjoyed the film myself, but the most important question is….WHAT DID KYLO REN THINK OF IT???  Here with a VERY SPOILER INTENSIVE REVIEW is none other than Auralnauts’ Kylo Ren.  For Kylo’s thoughts on The Last Jedi, and Rogue One click on the link and enjoy.


Forest Whitaker’s 10 Best Movies

Forest Whitaker

Forest Whitaker began his acting career at 21 in 1982’s Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and nearly four decades into his career has a filmography that stretches into triple digits.  The 6’2 actor has made a career out of gentle, and not so gentle giant roles, both starring and supporting.  Whitaker’s career got out to a fast start in the 1980s with roles in films like Platoon, Good Morning Vietnam, and The Color of Money, but stalled as Whitaker’s penchant for doing a tremendous amount of projects has littered his resume with some of the biggest bombs in recent memory (Battlefield Earth anyone?).  His career got back on track in the 2000s when he became the fourth African-American (after Sidney Poitier, Denzel Washington, and Jamie Foxx) to win Best Actor for his role as the African dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland.  He also became part of the Star Wars and MCU franchises, and continues to be one of the hardest working actors in the business.
Continue reading Forest Whitaker’s 10 Best Movies

POLL RESULT: Favorite Character from Star Wars: Rebels Is…

The Killing Time Community has spoken, and our favorite character from Star Wars: Rebels is everyone’s favorite explosive-obsessed Mandalorian: Sabine Wren.  Voting was neck and neck with Sabine, and the show’s two Jedi: Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger (who finished in a tie for second place) the whole month.  Tying for fifth were the two Rebels we know for sure will survive the show’s final season (as they both have cameos in Rogue One): Captain Hera Syndulla and Chopper.

Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Rebels

Grand Admiral Thrawn was the only villain originating from the show to get any votes.  Its proximity to A New Hope has allowed the show to use classic villains like Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, and-of course-Darth Maul.  Sabine’s win continues a trend of awesome, well-written female characters that have emerged during Disney’s stewardship of Star Wars, and the galaxy far, far away is far better for it.

The fourth and final season of Star Wars: Rebels can be seen on Disney XD.  Thanks for voting, and we’ll have a new poll up in a bit.
Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Rebels

POLL: Favorite Character from Star Wars: Rebels?

This month marks the premiere of the fourth and final season of Star Wars: Rebels.  The show, which continued in many ways on from the six seasons of Star Wars: Clone Wars, marks a decade in animation bridging the gap between the prequels and the original trilogy.  Many characters (Ahsoka, Rex, Hondo, etc.) that were introduced in Star Wars: Clone Wars have had big parts to play in Rebels, but who is your favorite character introduced into canon during Rebels’ run?  This includes fan favorite Grand Admiral Thrawn, the main adversary for the back half of the series (Thrawn was introduced in the novels, but made ex communicado by the rebooting of the EU; Rebels reintroduced him into the canon). Continue reading POLL: Favorite Character from Star Wars: Rebels?

“The Chosen One” The Tragic Descent of Anakin Skywalker

Hero Fan Productions is a channel you MUST be following on YouTube.  A week ago, I shared their video “The Last”, which depicts Luke Skywalker’s journey through Episode IV to the trailer to Episode VIII (click here if you missed it).  In “The Chosen One”, HFP looks at Luke’s father, Anakin, from Episodes I-VI (and Rogue One) plus footage from Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels.  Vader’s legacy still loomed large over his family in Episode VII.  Even 30 years after his death, Anakin’s fall was still dividing and hurting his family, the irony being that it was the mad protection of his family that drove him from them into the arms of the Dark Side.  Everyone has their own view on the Prequels, but the information provided from them (mostly from Episode III and the 10 years of animated series) makes Vader’s story even more tragic.  The notions of “balance to the force” and “the chosen one” appear to be something that we’re going to be dealing with again in The Last Jedi, which is promising the BIGGEST jaw-dropping plot twist in the Saga’s history.  HFP does a great job with this (I wish they’d have stuck to using Williams’ score instead of epic music that gets a little distracting), and it gets you thinking about those parts of Anakin’s story that still may affect the stories yet to come.

Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Giles Keyte