Killing Time – September 12, 2013

Killing Time

A man has one; a cat has nine, and in-between it’s killing time.  ~ The Kinks

It seems to me that either you’re the kind of person that writes or you’re not.  It’s simple to test it out.  If you feel like you’ve done something fundamentally wrong or begin to have a biological itch like unto needing to sneeze if you go without writing for 24 hours, than you’re probably a writer.  How good?  What kind?  Why?  I don’t know.  I do know that every day I don’t write, I feel wretched that I haven’t.  The quality of what comes out may vary wildly (this week, for example, I’ve been so tired that if anything I’ve written comes across as having been written in the English language then I think we can call it a win) but the need to write remains the same.  It’s why I do this.  It’s probably why I’m alive.  Although, if this is the ultimate pinnacle of my writing itch, I will probably have posthumous explaining to do…

Killing Time inside baseball: Islands!  Faroe and Falklands visited Killing Time for the first time.  Passed the 26k hit mark and next week sometime should hit 1,000 posts (so I should probably think what that is going to be…).  Thanks to everyone for stopping by and sharing in the fun.

And completely by the by, I just read that the Voyager space probe has become the first man made object to leave the solar system.  How cool is that?  Space geek moment, but seriously!

Z-2135 pt. 3 by Wright & Platt
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood

Blu Ray:
Homeland Season One
Boardwalk Empire Season Three

Breaking Bad Season 5.5 or 6, depending on how you look at it
Suits Season Three
Grey’s Anatomy Season Eight
Boardwalk Empire Season Three
Homeland Season One
The Good Wife Season Four

Song of the Week: “Best of You” by The Foo Fighters

Video Game:
Diablo III (Level 4 Wizard)
Borderlands 2 (Level 38 Gunzerker; Sir Hammerlock DLC)
* XBOX Live, gamertag: sleeplessdave; feel free to friend me!

Hellblazer Vol. 7: Dangerous Habits by Garth Ennis
Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer

AMC Greenlights Breaking Bad Spin-Off

Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad Season 3, Bryan Cranston, AMC, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman
With only three episodes to go, Breaking Bad is drawing to a close. It’s taking everything I have not to blow it all for you who are waiting for some reason unknown to man. Quick fact, this week’s episode “Ozymandias” is being directed by Rian Johnson of Brick and Looper fame. A spin-off starring Bob Odenkirk‘s character, Saul Goodman, has been kicking around for a while, and Better Call Saul is now happening.

This would be a prequel to the events of Breaking Bad.  It’s not much of a spoiler to say that the series pretty much wrecks Saul’s law practice.  I think it’s a mistake and I think it undercuts the work Bob Odenkirk has done with that character over the five seasons of the show.  Breaking Bad show runner Vince Gilligan is said to be involved in some creative capacity, but does anyone really think this is a good idea?

Pirates of the Caribbean 5 Sails to 2016 and Plot Details *SPOILERS*


Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 or Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales has sailed back a year from its planned release date of summer 2015 ( told you some of those movies were moving).  With Star Wars Episode VII already moved to Christmas 2015, this probably explains Disney‘s moving of Ant-Man from November 2015 to July 2015 (two weeks after Superman vs. Batman).

The reason for the delay is rather refreshing: they want to get the script just right.  Imagine that.  Jeff Nathanson‘s writing it and he did the script for Catch Me If You Can, which was the last Spielberg film that didn’t make me nuts at some portion.  Bleeding Cool claims to have the plot outline.  If you don’t want to know, bugger off here and know that it’s got witches, the Bermuda Triangle and a new female foil for Jack…which means Penelope Cruz is probably still sitting on that island if anyone wants to go get her.



First of all, there’s going to be a new female lead, a sparring partner for Jack Sparrow. She’s nothing like him, mind you – despite being suspected of witchcraft, she’s actually a woman of science. Expect some sexual chemistry, but also expect it to be a touch one sided…

There’s more to her character, but the best stuff is very spoilery.

As for witches, they’re central to whole conceit. There are some other, actual witches involved. If Tia Dalma, from the second and third films, makes another appearance, it’s a minor one but it’ll be very easy to leave her out. These new witches have somewhat less of a hoodoo flavouring.

Keeping up the supernatural flavour, there’s also going to be a ghost in a leading role. It’s this character, a former member of the British military now sided with Barbossa on a revenge mission, that gives the film its title.

And just in case you miss the other half of the equation, the dripping wet Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley roles, they’ll this time go to a couple of pretty young Brits from farming families. They’re pure subplot fodder, however, and if anything gets the chop it will be these two.

I can tell you that the film starts with a rather awkward wedding and climaxes with a riff on the myth of the Bermuda Triangle.

All in all, it seems to be just the sort of thing you’d expect from a Pirates movie.

I love the first Pirates film.  I dislike the second Pirates film.  I think the third Pirates film is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.  I liked the fourth Pirates film, which apparently many did not.  Well, it made a billion dollars so someone liked it.  I’m fine with these continuing on now that they made one to make me forget the gaggle of mini-Jacks in the third.  I’m encouraged they’re taking the time to get it right.  Pirates 5 will now open in summer 2016, which still has real estate left to claim if anyone else wants to blink.

Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Johnny Depp, Captain Jack Sparrow

Trailer Time: Call of Duty – Ghosts Single Player Campaign Trailer (2013)

For those few intrepid souls who actually play the story in COD games before wading into map packs to frag foul-mouthed tweens, here is the epic trailer for the campaign portion of Call of Duty: Ghosts.  The tenth game in the franchise will release November 5th for current generation consoles and will be a launch title for both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Infinity Ward, PS3, PS4, Wii U