My Favorite Scene: Daredevil Season One (2015) – The Fights

Yes, I did already do a MFS on Daredevil Season One.  But COME ON!  It’s 13 episodes and we’re getting 13 more on Friday, so what else could I choose?  The fights on Arrow were the bar for fight choreography on TV (and they are restricted by broadcast TV), but Daredevil came along and kicked that bar up so high that I can’t wait to see them try to top it in season 2.  It will post 12:01 a.m. on Friday March 18th, and I’ve included the final trailer below.  DAREDEVIL!!!!

All Batman vs. Superman Trailers SUPERCUT!!!

It’s been in the works since summer 2013, but finally next Friday, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (I will be so happy to stop having to type that title) will open in theaters.  What are your expectations?  Word leaking from WB is that the studio is not happy with the film with the exception of Batman.  The estimated budget for the film is a whopping $400 million so it’ll look fantastic, but is it going to get DC’s Cinematic Universe moving or are we going to just get a hodgepodge of these films with an attempt to connect them.  Here’s a supercut of all four trailers.  We’ll know for sure next Friday.
Henry Cavill, Batman, Superman, Ben Affleck, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne