Movie Review: 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) *Tense, Brilliant, Must-See Thriller*

10 Cloverfield Lane, Mary Elizabeth Winstead2016 is off to a surprisingly awesome start, continuing the quality bounty we reaped at the end of last year.  Two months ago, I didn’t know 10 Cloverfield Lane existed, and I would have thought the idea of a sequel (though it’s more of a spin-off) would be eye-rollingly stupid.  Having just experienced it, the best analogy I can give you as to what 10 Cloverfield Lane is without ruining it, is to say it’s the closest to a big-screen classic Twilight Zone episode I’ve ever seen.  It’s fantastic.  Not only is it light-years better than Cloverfield (which I liked), it makes me happy that Cloverfield is apparently now a franchise.  I can’t wait for the next installment.
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