Trailer Time: X-Men Apocalypse Trailer #2 (2016) *The World Needs the X-Men*

I was not a big fan of the first trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse, and I can’t  say the second trailer has done much to raise my hopes.  Repeating lines verbatim from the first films?  The Apocalypse as a god angle; not my favorite interpretation of the character.  I don’t like that Magneto is in such a place that he just gives up, and let’s himself be controlled.  Archangel is an obvious horseman and I could buy Psylocke, but Storm?  This is clearly Mystique’s film among the mutants (coincidentally probably the last Jennifer Lawrence will do), and Wolverine’s cliffhanger storyline from Days of Future Past needs to be resolved.  I hope it’s better than it looks.  DOFP looked incredible and let down a bit; maybe Apocalypse will be the reverse.
Continue reading Trailer Time: X-Men Apocalypse Trailer #2 (2016) *The World Needs the X-Men*

In Theaters This Week (3/18/2016) – Daredevil, Divergent, and More!

The Divergent Series: Allegiant, Shailene Woodley, Tris Prior
Each Thursday we look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  March 18th has four new releases, but your best bet for quality entertainment is probably to stay home and boot up Netflix. Continue reading In Theaters This Week (3/18/2016) – Daredevil, Divergent, and More!