Trailer Time: Captain America – Civil War Trailer #2 *Heeeeere’s Spidey!*

Getting it up on the site as soon as Marvel released it alongside Coming Soon’s synopsis.  Tom Holland has finally been revealed as Spider-Man, and May 6th is going to see the longest, most epic film in the MCU so far!!!
Continue reading Trailer Time: Captain America – Civil War Trailer #2 *Heeeeere’s Spidey!*

In Theaters This Week (3/11/2016) – 10 Cloverfield Lane, Alan Rickman’s Last Live-Action Movie and More!

10-Cloverfield-LaneWelcome to a new weekly column!  Each Thursday we’ll look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  March 11th has five new releases, four of which are getting rave reviews….the other has Sascha Baron Cohen. Continue reading In Theaters This Week (3/11/2016) – 10 Cloverfield Lane, Alan Rickman’s Last Live-Action Movie and More!