Star Wars Episode VII Blu Rate Date and Details Announced!!!

The highest grossing film in American history, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, will be coming to digital on-demand April 1st and Blu Ray and DVD April 5, 2016.  This is the most-anticipated Blu Ray in quite awhile, and from the looks of the special features, we’re in for the royal treatment.  It’s available for preorder already, so get to it!  A detailed rundown of the special features below courtesy of Geek Tyrant. Continue reading Star Wars Episode VII Blu Rate Date and Details Announced!!!

Movie Review: London Has Fallen (2016) *Call of Duty: FOX News The MOVIE!*

London Has Fallen, Gerard Butler

London Has Fallen is the completely unneeded sequel to 2013’s Olympus Has Fallen.  In the previous film, terrorists overran the White House and went after President Aaron Eckhart.  He was saved by Super Secret Service Agent Leonidas (Gerard Butler…really just playing Leonidas with guns).  In London Has Fallen, the leaders of all the major countries of the world are traveling to the state funeral of the British Prime Minister, but wily terrorists are again in place and blow up pretty much every major landmark in London in an effort to assassinate them all.  The sole survivor?  You guessed it: President Two-Face and Secret Service Agent Leonidas are on their own in a London TEEMING with terrorists, with only their guts, their Amurrica Can DO and approximately enough ammunition to fell the moon to save them.
Continue reading Movie Review: London Has Fallen (2016) *Call of Duty: FOX News The MOVIE!*