Punisher Series Has Been Officially Greenlit By Netflix!!!!

The Punisher is a character that had been badly maligned in the hands of other studios.  Marvel managed to fix him in about an episode and a half of season two of Daredevil.  Jon Bernthal brought Frank Castle to life in a way that made his actions logical in his mind and humanized a character that’s easy to dismiss.  My favorite episode of Daredevil thus far is 2.03 when Frank and Matt have their rooftop debate as to the ethics of vigilante justice leading into the greatest fight scene in TV history (which you can see here)

Jon Bernthal, The Punisher

Marvel has said in the past that it wants to keep the number of Netflix series at four.  There’s no announcement date on the very awesome teaser released today, but it likely will take place after The Defenders.  Jessica Jones has already been renewed (and won a Peabody Award). A third season of Daredevil seems inevitable given the set-up for one in season two.  I think post-Defenders that Luke Cage & Iron Fist will probably be combined (maybe even with Jessica Jones) for their traditional Heroes for Hire team-up.  Jones, Cage, and Iron Fist’s storylines in the comics have traditionally intersected, so it seems logical.  That would leave room for The Punisher and perhaps another series to debut.  Read below for Coming Soon’s take on the announcement. Continue reading Punisher Series Has Been Officially Greenlit By Netflix!!!!

In Theaters This Week (4/29/2016) – Ratchet & Clank, Mother’s Day, and Key & Peele

Jennifer Aniston, Mother's Day
Each Thursday we look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  April 29th is the last of the calm before the NEXT Disney blockbuster to drop (Captain America: Civil War), but there are three new wide releases in Keanu, Mother’s Day and Ratchet & Clank.   Continue reading In Theaters This Week (4/29/2016) – Ratchet & Clank, Mother’s Day, and Key & Peele

Trailer Time: Batman The Killing Joke (2016) *Perhaps the Best Batman Story Gets the Animated Treatment*

Alan Moore’s graphic novel, Batman: The Killing Joke, is arguably the best Batman story of all-time.  I think it’s the seminal confrontation between Batman and The Joker, as well as a story that scarred Batman’s world forever.  DC’s animated movies have varied in quality, mostly fairly good with some occasional gems.  Taking on THIS story, though, is by far their most ambitious and delicate project.  This story is legend.  This story is character defining.  This story is incredibly dark. Continue reading Trailer Time: Batman The Killing Joke (2016) *Perhaps the Best Batman Story Gets the Animated Treatment*

Trailer Time: The Girl on the Train Trailer #1 (2016) *Emily Blunt is The Girl on the Train*

Blockbuster books get snapped up by Hollywood ASAP in a world struggling to find something that’s not a sequel to something else.  Paula Hawkins wrote the screenplay for her thriller The Girl on the Train, and the first trailer promises a mind-bender.  The adaptation stars Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Justin Theroux, Allison Janney, Rebecca Ferguson, and Lisa Kudrow.  The film is scheduled to open October 7, 2016.  Fully synopsis below courtesy of IMDB. Continue reading Trailer Time: The Girl on the Train Trailer #1 (2016) *Emily Blunt is The Girl on the Train*

My Favorite Scene: The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) “Dol Guldur”

First, a thanks to JaidynLuke Studios for cutting together this entire epic scene from the extended version of the film into a two-parter.

I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone who reads this site, that I am an enormous geek.  My Star Wars geek creds go back to practically the cradle, but around middle school, I became a hardcore Tolkienite.  I read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Book of Unfinished Tales.  I own the 12 volume literary examination of Tolkien’s entire body of work that his son, Christopher, edited together.  I mean, it got to the point where I not only knew what Quenya was, but nearly listed it as a second language on job applications.  No, actually I didn’t date much during high school come to think of it, why do you ask? Continue reading My Favorite Scene: The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) “Dol Guldur”