Movie Review: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (2016) *Beautiful but Shallow Compared to the Original*

Michelle Yeoh, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: The Sword of Destiny

Still mourning the death of Li Mu Bai, Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh) returns to safeguard his sword, the Green Legend. Hades Dai (Jason Scott Lee), an underground warlord, sends his lieutenants to steal the sword , with plans to dominate the martial world. A young mysterious swords-woman and the hero with a past, Silent Wolf (Donnie Yen), comes to Shu Lien’s aid, together with a disparate band of warriors who still believe in the iron way of honor.

16 years after the Academy Award-winning Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the long battle to get the sequel made is over and it ended up being made by Netflix.  Not just content with Emmys, Netflix had two Oscar nominations this year in documentary categories, and I bet hard cash they have a statue inside three years.  Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (hereafter for the sake of my carpal tunnels to be CTHD2) is actually the fifth film in a series that completes a story that began in China and ended up grabbing the focus of the world. Continue reading Movie Review: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny (2016) *Beautiful but Shallow Compared to the Original*

Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer #1 *Let There Be War!*

Game of Thrones Season 6 has been kept under tight wraps by HBO, because it is the film in which the seasons pass the number of books George R.R. Martin has completed.  Will he ever finish or will he just let HBO tell his story?  It’s a cluster(naughtyword) unprecedented in adapting a work of fiction, that the adapter defines the original work of fiction.  With the season premiere only six weeks out on April 24th, HBO has released a red-band trailer for season six.  I’m eagerly anticipating my season five Blu Rays so I can be caught up, but never would I deprive you of a visit to Westeros.  Also included is the super-creepy second teaser for the sixth season released a week or so ago.