Trailer Time: The Legend of Tarzan (2016) *He’s Tarzan; You’re Jane. He’ll Save You.*

If you told me after two X-Men: Apocalypse trailers and two Tarzan trailers, that I’m massively looking more forward to Tarzan, I’d have looked for the rest of the LSD in the room.  This looks just as fantastic, if not more so, than the first trailer.  I think this could bring Tarzan as a serious character into the modern age, and whenever a great iconic screen character can be brought to new generations, that’s an exciting thing.  The cinematography in this is just gorgeous!  Now I must return to binging on Daredevil (as should you, FLEE YOUR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT FOR THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR KNOWS NO CASUAL FRIDAYS!!!) The Legend of Tarzan, directed by Harry Potter‘s David Yates, opens in July 2016.The Legend of Tarzan