In Theaters This Week (3/4/16) – Zootopia, London Has Fallen and More!

House of Cards, Frank Underwood, Kevin SpaceyWelcome to a new weekly column!  Each Thursday we’ll look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  March 4th will see four major releases hit theaters as well as a binge watching opportunity at home. Continue reading In Theaters This Week (3/4/16) – Zootopia, London Has Fallen and More!

Trailer Time: Finding Dory Trailer #2 (2016) *She’s Going Home!*

*Text from Geek Tyrant
Disney has released a new trailer for Pixar’s upcoming film Finding Dory, which as most of you already know is a sequel to Finding Nemo. The sequel will be released 13 years after Finding Nemo, but the story itself picks up only six months after the events from the first film when Dory suddenly starts to remember certain things about her life. In the trailer, these memories first start to manifest themselves in her sleep, and she starts sleep swimming.
Continue reading Trailer Time: Finding Dory Trailer #2 (2016) *She’s Going Home!*