Tag Archives: Daredevil Season one

My Favorite Scene: Daredevil Season One (2015) – The Fights

Yes, I did already do a MFS on Daredevil Season One.  But COME ON!  It’s 13 episodes and we’re getting 13 more on Friday, so what else could I choose?  The fights on Arrow were the bar for fight choreography on TV (and they are restricted by broadcast TV), but Daredevil came along and kicked that bar up so high that I can’t wait to see them try to top it in season 2.  It will post 12:01 a.m. on Friday March 18th, and I’ve included the final trailer below.  DAREDEVIL!!!!

My Favorite Scene: Marvel’s Daredevil Season One (2015) “The Hallway Fight”

Daredevil is the best thing the MCU has produced so far.  I say that as an adult and as someone who, this show, is appropriate viewing.  This is not The Avengers.  The Marvel Universe is such a wondrous place because it contains the gods and monsters who fight in mainstream books, mutants, inhumans, an entire cosmos to rival Star Trek, a mystical realm of the supernatural and dirty, street-level people just doing the best they can to protect the neighborhood they love.

Daredevil nailed everything about the character, his supporting cast, the dark and brutal nature of his world, his conflicted soul over his actions, etc.  I rate it among the finest seasons of TV I’ve ever seen and I have seen A LOT.  The pilot was perfection, and we got a great Batman Begins-esque fight scene in it, but it wasn’t until the end of episode two that we say what Charlie Cox and this team was capable of with fight choreography.  In a single take, NO CUTS, Matt walks down the hall, goes through the rooms on both sides and walks away with the girl being held hostage.  It’s violent ballet.

The thing is, though, this would be cool all on its own, but the very beginning of the show is Matt confessing to his priest, talking about his boxer father and how when he would really lose it, a piece of him would go away, his arms would fall slack to his sides, and he’d just walk into hell to deliver the punishment he felt was coming.  Matt does the precise thing here.  It’s not commented upon; but there is so much layered nuance to this show that , THAT was the moment I knew we were in for something special.Daredevil, Charlie Cox, Matt Murdock