Top 5: Spielberg Films

I just returned from our annual trek to the Hollywood Bowl to see the greatest composer of the 20th century, John Williams, conduct the LA Philharmonic in a menu of his best compositions. Williams, of course, works almost exclusively these days for Steven Spielberg which got me to thinking. Remember when a Spielberg film was an event? It didn’t matter what it was about you went because he was THE director. Those days are long past. I don’t think he’s directed an amazing movie since 1998 and only two good ones in the last ten years. I hope he finds his way again, but to me he seems lost in the desert. Ohhhh, but when he was good. So here are my top 5 Spielberg films:

1. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
3. Schindler’s List (1993)
4. E.T. (1982)
5. Jurassic Park (1993)

6 thoughts on “Top 5: Spielberg Films”

  1. please remove jurassic park and add jaws. Seriously, Jaws showed his range. This is one of the most terrifying movies ever made. It changed how people thought about horror. It changed how people thought of the beach. I would argue that this movie could be the biggest mark he left in cinema. I cant state enough how genious jaws was. It wasnt over the top and you didnt even see the villian until the end of the movie! It was a giant shark! with no personality! Who could pull this off? only spielberg and he made it amazing!


  2. I understand that as a valid criticism, but I am still one of the few people on Earth who sees Jaws and just goes….meh. I give it props as the original summer blockbuster and a landmark film, but it does nothing for me.


  3. yeah, i think if we had to make a top 10 list of the movies we most seriously and vehemently disagree on, jaws would easily be in the top was an amazing masterpiece and NOT even for all the reasons its recognized. it more than holds its own over the years; its my 21 year old daughters favorite spielberg movie of all times and in her top 10 movie list.every shot in it, every line of dialogue, sigh…weve had this discussion 100 times, lol. so basically i think im just letting joe know how strongly i agree with him cuz im NOT selling it to you ;)was kind of shocked to find out you hadnt watched close encounters and curious to see how youll rate that, but i wouldnt place it here any way. im not sure i could fairly make this list as i will never see schindlers list for personal reasons and im sure it belongs here, but i wouldnt put jurassic park here either, much as i adore it. id probably include the color purple, jaws and change the order around a bit. saving private ryan was a work of genius, but surely not my favorite of his.good stuff, though, hon. i think i did a john williams score list on my old movie review site? dang, wish i could access that thing…. but that would be fun to see you do as well. loving you –janice


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