Renaissance News Vol. 2 Issue 25

  • X-Men: First Class will be set in the 1960’s and focus on the rise and fall of the friendship of Magneto and Xavier. Kevin Bacon’s yet-to-be determined villain will be Hellfire Club head Sebastian Shaw and Mad Men’s January Jones has been cast as The White Queen Emma Frost. Rose Byrne (Damages) will play Xavier’s love interest Dr. Moira McTaggert. Oliver Platt has been cast as a character called The Man in Black.
  • So that was good right? Yeah Shia LeBeouf says he’s definitely back as Mutt in Indy 5. So…we break even.
  • Jim Carrey will play the lead in an adaptation of the popular children’s book Mr. Popper’s Penguins. Hey, remember when he was a serious actor for three movies? I liked that…
  • In keeping with the high school nature of the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, there will be no MJ. Your love interest (and by “your” I’m here just talking to Peter Parker) will be Gwen Stacey or a new character.
  • Underworld 4 is scheduled for a January 2012 release.
  • Star Wars is coming to Blu Ray in a six film boxed set that will include all new documentaries and deleted scenes in late 2011. I literally just tried to preorder it, but Amazon is not letting me…perhaps I shouldn’t make purchasing decisions when I’m writing something at 3 a.m.
  • Toy Story 3 has knocked Shrek 2 off it’s throne and become the highest grossing animated film of all-time.
  • Karl Urban (LOTR, Star Trek) has been cast as Judge Dredd in a reboot of the Dark Horse comic that Sylvester Stallone ruined and-in turn-ruined his dying career.
  • This will mean absolutely nothing to you if you’re not already a Harry Potter freak, but if you want to know when they will split Book 7 for the two films, it will happen around Chapter 24 when Voldemort gets his hands on The Elder Wand. Y’know, reading all of this back….I come off very very geeky (I mean MORE so) when I write this in the wee hours.
  • DVD/Blu Ray Release Dates
    SGU Stargate Universe: The Complete First Season, October 5th
    Toy Story 3, November 3rd
  • Box Office
    1. The Expendables, $34.8 million
    2. Eat, Pray, Love, $23.1 million
    3. The Other Guys, $17.4 million
    4. Inception, $11.3 million
    5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, $10.6 million
  • Billboard Top Albums
    1. Recovery by Eminem
    2. The Suburbs by Arcade Fire
    3. Camp Rock 2 Soundtrack by Various Artists
    4. Order of the Black by Black Label Society
    5. My World 2.0 by Justin Bieber
  • Video Game Best Sellers
    1. Madden 11, XBOX 360
    2. Madden 11, PS3
    3. Star Craft II: Wings of Liberty, PC
    4. Wii Party, Wii
    5. Wii Sports, Wii
  • New York Times Hardcover Fiction Bestsellers
    1. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson
    2. Tough Customer by Sandra Brown
    3. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
    4. Star Island by Carl Hiassen
    5. Veil of Night by Linda Howard

Top 5: LEGO Video Games

Though I am definitely a gamer, the most addicting franchise for me is not HALO or Call of Duty, but LEGOs. Perhaps we can read a lot into the fact that essentially I’m spending my free time (which is to say ALL my time) these days doing what I did when I was four-playing with LEGOs. There’s just something infinitely adaptable to the building blocks and various pop culture franchises that when they’re combined in video game form, it’s crack to me. Each game takes a humorous look at whatever franchise it’s inhabiting and offers dozens of hours of replayability and collectibles. I’ve played so much LEGO Harry Potter the last few days that I see flying building blocks and little plastic characters whenever I close my eyes. So in tribute to my latest obsession, the top 5 LEGO games available for your home gaming console.
1. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
2. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
3. LEGO Batman
4. LEGO Rock Band
5. LEGO Indiana Jones