Tag Archives: Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson’s 10 Best Movies

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson isn’t even in her mid-thirties and she’s already put together a huge resume of quality dramatic, action, and vocal work.  Her six outings as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have made her the highest-profile female super hero (who NEEDS HER OWN MOVIE), and is probably the best female action star working today.  Her voice is so distinct and versatile that she could float out the rest of her career just doing voice over work (Jungle Book, Her, Sing).  She’s been acting since her teens so her resume already has over 50 films to it, and her versatility allows her to do so many different kinds of roles that she’ll no doubt be able to skirt Hollywood’s female age ceiling as her career continues to develop.

Continue reading Scarlett Johansson’s 10 Best Movies

Movie Review: Ghost in the Shell (2017) *What a Beautiful Mess*

Scarlett Johansson, Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell is a visually stunning film with cutting-edge F/X that will, ultimately, bore you senseless.  Between Scarlett Johansson and the art direction, there’s a lot of beautiful things to look at, but it can’t save a dull and awkward script from making a hash of an anime classic.  There are, by the way, about 16 different “this shell is hollow” jokes that I passed up because-honestly-after sitting through this I’m suffering from sensory overload and intellectual underwhelm (it’s a thing). Continue reading Movie Review: Ghost in the Shell (2017) *What a Beautiful Mess*

In Theaters This Week (6/16/2017): Cars 3, Rough Night, 47 Meters Down

47 Meters Down

Each Thursday we look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  Pixar has arrived to unseat Wonder Woman, but it’s Cars 3 so…yay?  OR you can see Mandy Moore and sharks or a seemingly random Scarlett Johansson movie. Continue reading In Theaters This Week (6/16/2017): Cars 3, Rough Night, 47 Meters Down

In Theaters This Week (3/31/2017): Ghost in the Shell, The Zookeeper’s Wife, Boss Baby

Jessica Chastain, The Zookeper's Wife

Each Thursday we look at what is going to be coming out in theaters this weekend, show you the trailers for the big releases, predict the box office winner and just generally give you enough of a carrot to pull you through the rest of the work week.  MARCH MOVIE MADNESS ends after five weeks of major releases with two anticipated adaptations and the Alec Baldwin baby film.  Yep.  That one. Continue reading In Theaters This Week (3/31/2017): Ghost in the Shell, The Zookeeper’s Wife, Boss Baby

Trailer Time: Ghost in the Shell Trailer #2 (2017) *Or Possibly the Whole Film in 2:30*

The second full trailer for next month’s Ghost in the Shell is out, and-as someone who has little to no history with the anime series it’s based on-I feel like it’s intriguing and visually stunning.  I also feel like this trailer is one of those that makes you feel like I have already seen the entire movie.  However, Killing Time has an official policy on Scarlett Johansson movies than involves onesies, so I’ll be there when the film opens on March 31, 2017.  It’s policy.  What can I do?
Scarlett Johanssen, Ghost in the Shell