Top 5: Pixar Films

We wax rhapsodic about the brilliance of Pixar here frequently and it really cannot be overstated. They’re just a freak of quality. Their worst film is “very good” and the majority of their films are bona fide classics. Having just preordered Toy Story 3 on Blu Ray, here are (and this is splitting fine hairs) my top 5 Pixar films.
1. The Incredibles
2. Toy Story
3. Up
4. Wall-E
5. Finding Nemo

One thought on “Top 5: Pixar Films”

  1. i cant even do this. its impossible. i think at least 5 of them easily qualify as perfect 10s. so…i guess its a matter of which 10 you like better? will rewatch the most often? was the most groundbreaking? UGGGHHHH!im assuming you have all the toy stories (is that correct?) here?? or are you ranking the original alone in the top 5?well, theres no point to this comment as i could nitpick with your order (and, yeah, i probably would) within the 5, but they all belong there so….good list, though, honey :)– janice


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