Tag Archives: Tim Miller

My Favorite Scene: Deadpool (2016) “Deadpool vs. Colossus”


Deadpool was a wildly successful surprise in 2016 because it gleefully embraced the character and gave comic book fans and movie fans in general a hysterically inventive impish bag of just plain wrong. Deadpool’s hyper violence and super embrace of its R-Rating isn’t an indication that all super hero films need to be R-Rated, but Deadpool is an R-Rated character and one that Ryan Reynolds gets to a disturbing degree. After seeing the character maligned in the regrettable X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds made it a personal crusade to get an unplugged Deadpool onscreen and was rewarded with huge box office and a Golden Globe nomination.

Deadpool doesn’t work because it’s hyper violent and contains possibly the most amazingly inventive bag of swearing I’ve ever beheld (and I-no joke-used to live on the docks). It works because THAT is who Deadpool is, and Reynolds manages to still make the sociopathic fourth-wall-breaking mutant relatable, sympathetic, and somehow endearing despite the mayhem he leaves in his wake. Picking a favorite example of that is tough, but I love the contrast between Colossus, occupying the opposite end of the moral spectrum in the X-Universe, and Wade. Watching Deadpool literally pulverize himself while trying to beat up Colossus may be the hardest I laughed in a film that consistently entertains start to finish. Deadpool 2 has a tough act to follow.

Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool

Movie Review: Deadpool (2016) *MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!*

Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds

Wow.  Just….wow.  Ryan Reynolds fought an over-the-top battle to get a true-to-the-comics, R-rated Deadpool movie to fans for 16 years, and the end result is not just a great comic book movie, but the funniest one ever made.  The Merc With a Mouth was the role Reynolds was born to play.  It’s a truly insane film, worthy of the truly insane character it starts.  This is the role that is finally going to make Ryan Reynolds a star.  It’s getting fantastic critical reviews, breaking box office records and they’re already working on Deadpool 2 (Reynolds will even tell you about it the post-credits scene).  I can’t wait.  This was fun from the credits (which will be hard to top for any 2016 film) til they turned the lights on.  As long as you know what you’re getting into, Deadpool is pretty much the best portrayal of the character in any medium that’s ever existed. Continue reading Movie Review: Deadpool (2016) *MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!*

Trailer Time: Deadpool Trailer #1 (2016) *….ok so this is happening*

I have very little in the way of explanation that can take Deadpool and introduce him to people who have never heard of him.  Ok, let’s try….  He’s a mutant.  He’s a ….well, he heals very well, kills very well, thinks he’s a character in a comic book, is insane in a way that makes the Joker look rational and he’s very, very talky.  Which is ironic, because FOX used Reynolds as Deadpool in X-Men: Origins Wolverine and sewed his mouth shut and used him as a zombie villain.

Since then Reynolds had Green Lantern bomb on him (which I do not hold him responsible for), and then seemingly had a kind of psychotic break.  He decided he was going to make a Deadpool film for the hardcore comic Deadpool fans (of which I am not one….Deadpool is something for tiny doses).  He launched a one-man campaign, often in costume, to get the weirdest, truest version of Wade Wilson on-screen and it looks like he just may have succeeded.  Make no mistake, this is the tamest, most G-rated trailer I think they could possibly make for this film and there’s a red band trailer on the Deadpool film website if you want a better idea of what this film is going to be like.  I’ll tell you this, though, I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything remotely like what is going to come out on February 16. 2016.
Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool