Tag Archives: Star Wars Episode VII Pictures

Kylo Ren Worships Vader in New Star Wars Episode VII Pics

Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Adam Driver, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Star Wars

Star Wars Episode VII makes the cover of Rolling Stone this week and some new pictures surface.  The most telling one is what we’ve already gleaned from trailers: Kylo Ren has a serious Vader fixation.  My theory (and I have nothing to back this up) is that Ren is the Skywalker/Solo legacy character, that Luke tried to train him and that he fared no better than Obi-Wan did with Anakin.  This drove Luke into hiding.  Knowledge of Vader’s pyre, unless he shared it with Leia, was limited to Luke so Ren has to have some kind of past with Luke to know where the burned helmet would be.  Total speculation on my part, but fun as we are now only 16 days away!!!

Star Wars Episode VII Star Wars Episode VII Star Wars Episode VII Star Wars Episode VII Star Wars Episode VII



Good news and bad for Star Wars fans.  JJ Abrams has said definitively that there will be no new Episode VII footage released this month at D23; there won’t be a new trailer until the fall.  On the other hand, EW today released never-before-seen pictures from The Force Awakens as well as a slew of behind-the-scenes shots that were only shown to fans at the Star Wars Celebration earlier this year. Continue reading 12 BRAND-NEW STAR WARS: EPISODE VII PICTURES! PLUS DETAILS ON THE FILM’S VILLAIN: KYLO REN!!

Is This Mark Hamill from the Episode VII Trailer? Plus a Fantastic Fan Poster for The Force Awakens


What better way that to kick off the first weekend of 2015 that with what looks like our first real look at Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.  This literally gives me chills.  The gravitas and the beating on that face make you want to know what the heck has been going on for 40 years???  Accompanying it is a fan-made poster in the classical style by the talented Drew Struzan that is absolutely fantastic.  Every time things get a little too much I just look at December 18th on my calendar and remember THIS is the year Star Wars is back!

Fan Art by the Exceedingly Talented Drew Struzan
Fan Art by the Exceedingly Talented Drew Struzan

Star Wars Episode VII Rumors Abound, Villains Revealed, Darth Vader , and Han and Chewie are Flying a WHAT? *Extreme Spoiler Warning*


Ok, I wasn’t going to do a post on these, but there has been such a flood of information coming out about the villain, plot, costume designs, appearances by old characters, etc. that I feel like if you want to know you should.  So per our Episode VII spoiler policy, all Spoilers are after the break.  THESE – IF TRUE – ARE MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS.  They continue the plotline started by Latino Review several weeks back.  For what it’s worth, I think there are nuggets of truth in this that ring true and some things that just sound crazy or stupid that I don’t think would be the direction Abrams would go.  I could be wrong, so I’ll let you be the arbiter of how much you want to know.  So, one last time, SPOILER WARNING! Continue reading Star Wars Episode VII Rumors Abound, Villains Revealed, Darth Vader , and Han and Chewie are Flying a WHAT? *Extreme Spoiler Warning*

Star Wars Episode VII: Leaked Pictures of New Stormtrooper Design


Indierevolver.com has released what they claim are leaked pictures of the helmet designs for a few types of Stormtroopers for Star Wars Episode VII.  While none of them are the black Stormtroopers we’ve heard rumors of, these adhere very closely to the original drawings done back in the 1970’s by Ralph McQuarrie.  Those drawings have been a major inspiration for the design team, so I tend to think these are legit.  Star Wars Episode VII opens December 18, 2015.