Tag Archives: Robin Williams RIP

My Favorite Scene: Good Morning Vietnam (1987) “Adrian’s First Broadcast”

Good Morning Vietnam was the film that launched Robin Williams into the stratosphere, proving that his lightning-in-a-bottle humor could be effectively mixed into an affecting and moving motion picture.  Director Barry Levinson got a signature performance out of Williams, who earned his first Oscar nomination for the role.  It’s no surprise what my favorite scene is.  It’s iconic: one of the signature scenes of Williams filmography: Adrian’s first broadcast to the troops (minus the musical intervals).
Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam

Robin Williams Tribute Art by Jeff Victor

Robin Williams

Jeff Victor has done this wonderful piece on the late Robin Williams and prints can be bought at his website (link below) with part of the proceeds going to St. Jude’s.

“My tribute to the illustrious career of Robin Williams. Obviously, there are many, many more movies that could be included in this piece, but I tried to represent as many highlights as I could. This particular Evolution was quite emotional to draw. Williams’ work was so meaningful to me, and a big part of my childhood. His death is a loss for us all. I’m not very eloquent at eulogizing, so hopefully my art will speak for itself and remind you of the joy you felt watching his films.

“I am selling this piece as a print here, and for every copy I sell, I am donating $5.00 to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital, a charity Williams was very passionate about.”

Robin Williams: Inside the Actor’s Studio

One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen Robin Williams do was his 2-hour interview with James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio.  He was funny as always and honest about some of his struggles.  If you can find the full interview, I highly recommend it, but I’ve pulled some “best of” montages off of You Tube including the “scarf incident” that is one of the best bits of improvisation I’ve ever seen.