Tag Archives: Robert Wuhl

My Favorite Scene: Good Morning Vietnam (1987) “Adrian’s First Broadcast”

Good Morning Vietnam was the film that launched Robin Williams into the stratosphere, proving that his lightning-in-a-bottle humor could be effectively mixed into an affecting and moving motion picture.  Director Barry Levinson got a signature performance out of Williams, who earned his first Oscar nomination for the role.  It’s no surprise what my favorite scene is.  It’s iconic: one of the signature scenes of Williams filmography: Adrian’s first broadcast to the troops (minus the musical intervals).
Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam

My Favorite Scene: Bull Durham (1988) “The Meeting on the Mound”

With Kevin Costner a part of the Jack Ryan reboot that opens on Friday, I thought we’d look back to one of his first break-out movies, Bull Durham.  I love baseball.  I grew up on a steady diet of “baseball matters and little else does”, but I have to admit I’d rather watch college or high school ball than the pros these days.  All the cheating smeared the history of the game and that was, to me, a major part of its charm and appeal.  I have actually gone to more minor league games over the last ten years than major.  Minor league baseball is kind of hilarious.  The players are anxiety-ridden messes, the quality of the game varies wildly from pitch-to-pitch and literally anything can happen.  That’s what makes this scene so good.  Dumber things than this have happened in minor league ball, but it’s a hysterical example of how to build the comedy in a scene slowly.  I think of it every time I see a catcher trot out to talk to a pitcher.