Tag Archives: Nova

Top 5: Characters We Want to see in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 *Guardians 1 Spoiler Alert*

Top 5

Guardians of the Galaxy has been out now for two weeks.  I want more.  I want more of it.  I want it now.  Yes, I know I have to wait until 2017, but that certainly doesn’t mean I can’t whine about it for three solid years.  Time me.  The sequel will be free of a lot of the info dump that Guardians 1 had to do to establish this cosmos, and there are plenty of big players in the Marvel Cosmic Universe that didn’t make the cut the first time around.  So who do we want to see in film #2.  Warning, I’m going to be spoilery so turn around now and get thee to a theater if you haven’t (and WHY WOULD YOU NOT?) seen Guardians by now. Continue reading Top 5: Characters We Want to see in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 *Guardians 1 Spoiler Alert*

Top 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Collections (To Continue Your Cosmic Journey After the Film)

Top 5
So you’ve just gotten out of Guardians of the Galaxy and you’re riding high having just discovered the Cosmic Marvel Universe and all the wacky space action it contains.  How are you going to survive until 2017 (when Guardians 2 will release)?  You may not.  You may very well die.  I can’t stop that.  Or can I?  Fill that Groot-shaped hole in your heart with these collections and you’ll keep riding the spaceways until the next time the galaxy is in jeopardy. Continue reading Top 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Collections (To Continue Your Cosmic Journey After the Film)