Tag Archives: Merry Christmas

Chewbacca Sings “Silent Night”; Merry Christmas Time Killers!!!!

I normally don’t post on Christmas Day, but I wanted to express my deep thankfulness to all my readers in a unique way that could only be expressed in song…..by a Wookie.  Thank you so much to the folks at How It Should Have Ended for creating this masterpiece that reminds of Christmas, family, Star Wars, and how profoundly empty our lives would be without the Internet to share these things.  God bless us all, every one, and Merry Christmas to you all!
Chewbacca, Star Wars

Merry Christmas from Killing Time

christmasThis is going to be KT’s only post today, but I did want to take a few minutes to wish all of my readers and commentators and collaborators a very Merry Christmas.  This website has been an incredible blessing for me on so many levels that I can’t even begin to express to you my gratefulness at all that YOU have done for ME.  It’s given me an outlet.  It’s disciplined me to write every day no matter whether I feel like it or not.  It’s enhanced my critical thinking skills.  It’s bettered my writing (from “meh” to “well….meh”).  It’s introduced me to amazingly cool people from all over the world; nearly 40,000 pop-ins with still a month to go in our first year and motivated me to write over 1,350 articles.  I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I didn’t know there were new friends and old waiting for those words and to exchange ideas with me about whatever arcane piece of geek culture we were discussing.  You have been a present to me this entire year and I thank you for it from the bottom of my heart.  I promise to keep working to make things even better and to keep the nonsense coming.  I hope this day is one filled with family and fun for all of you.  Merry Christmas!

Senior KT Elf and Holiday Mirth Co-ordinator Emeritus,
Dave Yaeger

Killing Time – December 18, 2013

killing time

Time is a figure eight, at its center the city of Deja Vu. 
~Robert Brault

Since when next I’ll address you in this column the moment will be past, I wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas.  I realize “Happy Holidays” is more in vogue, but as I celebrate Christmas and it’s my bloody blog, Christmas it is!  This is usually my favorite time of year.  Christmas is my favorite holiday.  For reasons involving “reality” the discussion of which is, of course, banned by the bylaws of the blog,  this year I looked at the calendar and was startled to realize that it was next Wednesday.  Continue reading Killing Time – December 18, 2013