Tag Archives: Black Canary

POLL RESULTS: Which Female Hero Deserves a Solo Film Next?

Wonder Woman‘s success with critics and at the box office is going to finally make studios look at giving heroines the lead in upcoming comic book films.  A few are in the works, some have long been rumored, but who MOST deserves a solo film of their own ASAP?  Killing Time readers voted, and their choice is the woman who should have already had a solo film years ago: Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow Continue reading POLL RESULTS: Which Female Hero Deserves a Solo Film Next?

POLL: Which Female Hero Deserves a Solo Film Next?

Wonder Woman‘s success with critics and at the box office is going to finally make studios look at giving heroines the lead in upcoming comic book films.  A few are in the works, some have long been rumored, but who MOST deserves a solo film of their own ASAP?

Wonder Woman, Batwoman, DC Comics

And before you ask, I’ve excluded Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman as they are slated to appear together next in David Ayer’s Gotham City Sirens.  Captain Marvel and Batgirl already have solo films in pre-production, Zatanna will be part of Justice League Dark, and Jessica Jones and Elektra are central figures in Marvel’s Netflix Shows.  So pick your favorite, cast your vote, and we’ll come up with our site champion for Disney, FOX, or WB!

She Hulk, Medusa, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, Marvel Comics

17 New Arrow Season 3 Pictures and a New Villain Cast

My favorite show on network TV, Arrow, returns October 8th at 8 p.m. on The CW.  The second season is out on Blu Ray, so there’s no excuse not to be ready to go for the best live-action thing DC has ever done aside from The Dark Knight Trilogy.

The big bad for season three has already been Ras ‘al Ghul, something the show has been building to slowly for two years, but today Nick Taraby was cast as Digger Harkness.  That would be Captain Boomerang, who is a FLASH villain.  My guess is either it’s part of a crossover event between Arrow and Flash or Ollie & Co will be dealing with Digger during one of his stints on Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad.  Drink in the Starling City goodness.  TV IS RETURNING TO SAVE US FROM THE MOVIES!!! Continue reading 17 New Arrow Season 3 Pictures and a New Villain Cast

Trailer Time: Arrow Season 3 Trailer #2; PLUS Ra’s al Ghul Has Been Cast

While Arrow battles it out atop the “What’s the Best Show on TV?” poll, the series has released a new trailer for the show’s third season.  We all knew, after hearing rumblings during the first two seasons, that one day Ra’s al Ghul was coming to Starling City.  Liam Neeson, who portrayed the villain in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, said last week that he would have been willing to reprise the character in a heartbeat.  So Arrow producers went and cast former professional rugby player Matt Nable (he also was in Riddick….so there’s that).  You know what?  At this point, Arrow has so earned my trust that I’m going to go along with it even though seeing Neeson as Ghul again would have been a geeky dream come true.  Look for al Ghul to make his first appearance in the season’s third episode.  Arrow returns to the CW on October 8th.Ra's al Ghul, Arrow, Matt Nable

Trailer Time: Arrow Season 3 Comic Con Trailer (The CW – 2014)

The Comic Con news is flying fast and furious.  DC has released the first trailer for season 3 of Arrow and if you aren’t watching this show…well then you’re just not trying very hard.  Black Canary’s return, The Atom, Amanda Waller, Red Arrow and big shake-ups on Ollie’s team look in store for our return to Starling City.  Arrow returns October 8, 2014 on The CW.
Arrow, Green Arrow, Stephen Amell