4 thoughts on “Top 10: Movies You’ll Like if You Liked Deadpool (and/or Deadpool 2)”

  1. I’m so glad they chose Shoot Em Up! An underappreciated gem.

    They were high when they picked Last Action Hero and relegated Darkman to an honorable mention, so I’ll let that one pass.

    John Wick is… not a good movie. I can understand why so many people like it, but wow.

    Kick-Ass was extraordinarily enjoyable, and more entertaining than the Watchmen movie that same year. (At least Lindelof is remaking Watchmen for TV. Or not. I have no idea what on earth he was talking about when he explained what the series was going to be the other day.)

    I’m seeing DP2 this weekend, and I have high hopes. I have a good reason for waiting until Solo’s second weekend to see that movie, so the fact that I have to wait does not bug me. What bugs me is that I’m not more bummed out about not being able to see a SW movie on opening weekend.


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