My Favorite Scene: Finding Nemo (2003) “Bruce the Shark’s Rehab Group”

Finding Nemo remains one of my three favorite Pixar films despite the overwhelming amount of “just keep swimming” advice I have received since my wife passed.  This is a subtle hint to people that we’ve capped out on that particular advice.  “Baby steps” will also not serve as an acceptable substitute.  Nemo, after perhaps the most gruesome holocaust of family members in Disney history (His mom and HUNDREDS of brothers and sisters???  What is Disney’s issue?)

Thirteen years later, the film’s sequel, Finding Dory (in which I assume her family will NOT die as she is going to find them) hits theaters this Friday.  Dory may be my favorite Pixar character.  There’s something so guilelessly joyful about her and that’s in large part to the wonderful job Ellen DeGeneres does with her voicing.  No more is her complete lack of fear (and comprehension) more demonstrable than when she and Marlin (Albert Brooks) meet Bruce the Shark.  But then it turns out Bruce is part of a rehab group for sharks trying to befriend fish and we get an AA meeting parody.  It’s hilarious, a great twist, and just one of the reasons the film is a classic.  Here’s hoping Finding Dory is more Toy Story 2 than Cars 2 or Monsters University.Finding Nemo

Trailer Time: Moana Teaser #1 (2016) *Can Disney Continue Their Animation Domination?*

From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes Moana, a sweeping, CG-animated feature film about an adventurous teenager who sails out on a daring mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana (voice of Auli’i Cravalho) meets the once-mighty demigod Maui (voice of Dwayne Johnson), who guides her in her quest to become a master wayfinder. Together, they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds, and along the way, Moana fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she’s always sought: her own identity.

Directed by animation vets Ron Clements and John Musker (The Little Mermaid), Moana will be released in theaters on November 23, 2016.

How Tall is Your Favorite DC Character? Fantastic Comic Art!!!

DC Height Comparison
From DC and Costume Collection, comes this great piece showing exactly how tall the members of the DCU are.  From Robin to Swamp Thing, you can figure out exactly where you rank.  I am Aquaman.  This leaves me somehow feeling less cool than we did the Marvel one and I ended up in the company of Nick Fury and The Punisher.  But…..hey…..trident!  How exactly did they determine the heights?  I’m so glad you asked….and I will be lazy and let them tell you: Continue reading How Tall is Your Favorite DC Character? Fantastic Comic Art!!!