Star Wars Facts You May Not Know (Infographic)


Created by Ellie Koning and showcased on the site TIE Fighters,  Is this very cool infographic with 19 facts that you may not have known about Star Wars.  Ok, I actually did know them, but then I’m not entirely normal where it comes to ratio of time spent thinking about Star Wars vs……say…….being outdoors.  Oh don’t judge me.  If you’re reading my site, odds are you’re sailing the SS GeekNerdity as well. Continue reading Star Wars Facts You May Not Know (Infographic)

Empire Magazine Has Two New Covers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America, Cap 2, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Chris Evans

Empire Magazine is getting to be the first-look kingpin when it comes to geek movies.  It had looks at Smaug, Amazing Spider-Man 2 and now two exclusive covers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  Both the trailer and the five minutes shown before Thor: The Dark World have me extremely excited to see them really unleash a modern Cap.   Continue reading Empire Magazine Has Two New Covers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street

I’ve had a weird  relationship with Scorcese films over the years.  Most of the films that most people tout as his classics (Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver) I absolutely hate.  Cannot stand them.  To me, they’re boring exercises in vulgarity for vulgarity’s sake.  It’s pretty much the way I feel about early Tarantino, as well.  Then something weird happened.  I started liking Scorcese films.  They were getting closer and closer to the mark and then in 2011, he directed Shutter Island and Hugo, which were two of the best films of the year (the latter WAS the best film of the year).  Since then I’ve been anticipating his films rather than dreading them and thinking maybe I should go back and give the more recent ones (The Departed, for example) another shot. Continue reading Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)