Top 5

Top 5: Best E3 2013 Game Trailers

PS4, Playstation 4, Sony
Xbox One

So E3 is in the books for 2013 and what an eventful few days in the gaming world.  Most of the secrets of the Xbox One and Playstation 4 have been laid bare (Nintendo was also there but they’ve reduced themselves to white noise in my gaming sphere), and here are some things I’m taking away from the show as a longtime gamer.

1. Microsoft is living on a different planet than its consumers.  The arrogance and obliviousness with which the Xbox One has been developed, priced and restricted is something I’ve never seen from any consumer electronics roll-out.  They have a PR problem of Haliburton (hyperbole) proportions, especially thanks to Don Mettrick’s comment that Microsoft has a console for people who can’t be connected to the Internet 24/7 and it’s called the 360.

2. Sony won.  Sony didn’t just win, they planted their feet, lined up the shot and then punted Microsoft right in the face.  Between the quality of the PS4’s specs, the games available and the price differential, there is no doubt which console I will go with next gen (which after nearly a decade of Xboxing saddens me).

3. There is no compelling reason to buy either console on launch day.  Unless you just want to have the newest thing, there is no AAA launch title currently associated with either console.  I’m going to stick to the 360, hope Don Mettrick is launched into the sun, and that backlash forces some changes.  If not, I’ll wait until a game I can’t NOT play is released and go with a PS4.

I’ve watched a ton of game trailers over the last week and posted as many as I could as a collective within the briefing columns.  Here are the five (in no real order) that impressed me the most.  The most stunning one was probably for HALO on Xbox One (not officially Halo 5 yet).  Watch Dogs looks incredibly cool and it’s going to be 360 available, so that’s one to watch.  Titanfall doesn’t do anything really new for me, but the packaging of a mix of third and first person shooter intrigues me.  Destiny may be the game that moves me next gen.  The scope of it and the quality of everything seen so far, combined with Bungie’s record, makes that the sort of title you buy a console to play.  RPGs were in short supply this year, but I can’t wait for The Witcher III.  What were the most impressive things you saw?  Trailer goodness below:


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