Tag Archives: x-force

My Favorite Scene: Deadpool 2 (2018) “Deploy X-Force!”

This is a very strange time for movie mutants. With the Disney/FOX merger nearly complete, the X-franchises, which ushered in the modern age of superhero films with 2000’s X-Men, are in limbo. New Mutants and Dark Phoenix will likely wrap up the FOX-era X-Men films, and you could see Xavier and Co. in the MCU in the next three years. Where does that leave the insanely successful Deadpool franchise? That’s a really good question.

The MCU is traditionally PG-13, something that Deadpool never has been…until this Christmas. The release of Once Upon a Deadpool, essentially a PG-13 recut of Deadpool 2, may be an audition for a more family-friendly Merc With a Mouth…or it could just be a naked cash grab to squeeze just a little more money out of Deadpool 2‘s run.


One thing that is dead is the X-Force spinoff that Deadpool 2 sets up. That is a crying shame because for the problems I did have with the film (and I did like it very much overall), the introduction and execution (literally) of X-Force was the best thing about ‘Pool 2. Deadpool is at his best when he’s just allowed to be the unhinged, manic id of the Marvel Universe. It’s why the character is better off without PG-13 shackles. A huge part of Deadpool’s appeal is the anticipation that he may say or do absolutely anything at any given moment, and you lose that if you bring him down a rating level.

Glorious, glorious Peter (Rob Delaney)

If you were a comic book fan in the 1990s, you could not avoid X-Force. Rob Liefeld’s supergroup of pouty-lipped, barely-footed mutants was a sales juggernaut. They could also be…well, I don’t currently have the mental bandwidth to get into Rob Liefeld, but suffice it to say that there are few things that made me as happy and laugh as hard as watching Shatterstar’s demise. The entire sequence, from Deadpool’s open casting call, to his inspirational plane speech, to the shortest outing in super-team history is sheer brilliance. Special recognition to Brad Pitt for one of the most unexpected cameos in recent memory and to Rob Delaney’s Peter. Oh, Peter. I miss you the most, too.

Deadpool 2 Blu Ray Release Date and Special Features

I was a little mixed on Deadpool 2 when it came out in May.  If I had known the entire summer after it was about to do a group dive down the toilet I really would have cherished the experience more.  A day after Fox announced that it would screen an uncut version of the film at San Diego Comic-Con, it announced the digital and home video release date for the film along with a slew of special features.  The film will release digitally on August 7, 2018, and on 4K and Blu Ray August 21, 2018.  More details below from Coming Soon. Continue reading Deadpool 2 Blu Ray Release Date and Special Features

Movie Review: Deadpool 2 (2018) *Mixed Bag of Maximum Effort*

Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2
I think it’s fair to say that rarely has a film’s cast and crew been happier to make a sequel than Deadpool 2’sDeadpool was a giant surprise in 2016.  Surprising in that it ever happened period, and that what we got was so good.  Deadpool 2 gleefully jumps back into the Merc With a Mouth’s world, but the results this time are hit and miss.  Overall, it hits a lot more than it misses, and if you liked the first film, you’ll like the sequel.  It is, however, like a lot of sequels, a bag of diminishing returns.  Going to get a bit spoilery below so warnings all around.
Continue reading Movie Review: Deadpool 2 (2018) *Mixed Bag of Maximum Effort*

Deadpool 2 Trailer #2 (2018) “We’re Going to Form a Super Duper Team”


The insanity that is Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool will be back for more on May 18th, but this time with his partner: bounty hunter for the future and perpetual crankypants – Cable.  Josh Brolin is pulling heavy superhero duty between Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War in May.  The final trailer for the film delves more into X-Force’s roster, and gives the barebones for the film’s plot while also taking time to be utterly absurd (and honestly, would we have it any other way?).  DP2 tickets are available for presale now.  The film opens in theaters May 18, 2018. Continue reading Deadpool 2 Trailer #2 (2018) “We’re Going to Form a Super Duper Team”

Deadpool 2 Trailer #1 (2018) *They Will Call Us X-FORCE!*


The insanity that is Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool will be back for more on May 18th, but this time with his partner: bounty hunter for the future and perpetual crankypants – Cable.  Josh Brolin is pulling heavy superhero duty between Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War in May.  The marketing for this film has been utter nonsense, which is just what it should be as nothing says total absurdity quite like Deadpool or a world in which a Deadpool franchise is a huge success.  This is the first trailer that actually reveals much about the film’s plot, which looks like the genesis for some X-Force films (the taxi driver is back and so is TJ Miller, that’s all I need to know).  FOX has jumped Deadpool 2 from opening the week after Solo: A Star Wars Story to now opening May 18, 2018 (the week before Solo and three weeks after Avengers….why does no one ever release films in August….WE WILL STILL GO!!!).  DP2 will have a lot of work to do to top the first installment, but the thing about sequels is, they generally open MUCH bigger than the original, so expect a new record for an R-Rated film opening. Continue reading Deadpool 2 Trailer #1 (2018) *They Will Call Us X-FORCE!*