Tag Archives: The Scarlet Witch

New Age of Ultron Photos and Synopsis!!!



Eight new photos in HD and a new official synopsis that confirms, among other things, that Tony Stark will be the one who creates Ultron (it’s Hank Pym – the character Michael Douglas will play in Ant-Man- in the comics).  This all looks fantastic; the second trailer was jaw-dropping.  The only bummer is that Joss Whedon has already confirmed that this will probably be his last Avengers flick.  On the other hand, the top names I’ve heard for Avengers: Infinity War Parts One and Two are the Russo Brothers who didn’t do too shabby a job with last year’s Captain America The Winter Soldier.  Enjoy the Avengery goodness on Super Bowl Hangover Day!  Avengers: Age of Ultron opens wide May 1, 2015. Continue reading New Age of Ultron Photos and Synopsis!!!

Captain America The Winter Soldier Spoiler Discussion: 10 Questions and Answers

Captain America The Winter Solider
I wanted to give everyone a decent chance to go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier in the theater before discussing it here.  It’s been almost two weeks and two episodes of  Agents of SHIELD let the biggest cat out of the bag so there’s no point in holding off on discussing the teeny details of the newest twists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Continue reading Captain America The Winter Soldier Spoiler Discussion: 10 Questions and Answers