Tag Archives: Superman Learns to Fly

My Favorite Scene: Man of Steel (2013) “Learning to Fly”

In two days, the DCEU looks like it’s finally going to get the blockbuster, critical success it desperately needed.  That success won’t come from Batman or Superman, but Wonder Woman, which at time of writing is holding at a stunning 96% on Rotten Tomatoes.  The film that began DC’s shared super hero universe, Man of Steel, remains divisive (though not as much as Batman vs. Superman).  Man of Steel is the only film I’ve ever reviewed twice on this site.  I really loved Superman Returns so this was a radical departure, but I gave it another chance, and I’m glad I did.  It’s flawed, but nowhere near so the next two DC films, and it has truly great moments in it.  My favorite scene in the film comes after discovering his suit and talking with Jor-El: his first flight.  Henry Cavill is so likable in this role (one of BvS’ greatest sins is painting him as the villain and taking that likability away).  I love how it’s not effortless for him.  He has to keep trying.  But when he gets it down, the pure joy on his face is priceless.  It’s human.  After all, how would you feel if you could fly?
Man of Steel, Superman, DCEU, Henry Cavill