Tag Archives: Sons of Anarchy

Top 5: TV Shows With Good Taste in Music


In the modern age of the TV drama (or dramadey in the case of one entry) it’s become common practice to punctuate dramatic moments with songs.  The song takes over and there’s very little dialogue because the song is saying all there needs to be said.  This technique gets overused, but, when used properly, the music, the acting and the moment create something magical.


No show has, in my opinion, ever done this better than the medical comedy, Scrubs.  Most of the powerful moments in the show were punctuated by music. The same could be said of Grey’s Anatomy, but it’s almost become it’s own radio network.  There are usually no less that six songs per episode, and it’s rarely intrusive and works with the show, which I honestly still watch at this point to find new bands. You’d never expect a biker drama to make this list, but Kurt Sutter’s Sons of Anarchy used it’s personal band, White Buffalo, and the vocal talents of the cast to create some heartbreaking finales including SPOILER WARNING, the very last bit of the show.  Aaron Sorkin employs songs more sparingly in his shows, but when he does…man, do they pack a punch. I can’t listen to Dire Straits “Brothers in Arms” without picturing Bartlett walking through the rain toward that press conference.  Then from it’s “gangstagrass” theme song to poignant  ballads like “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”, the just finished Justified knew how to sparingly pack a punch with a tune.

Timothy Olyphant, Justified

I’m going to include some of my favorite musical moments from each show and just let them stand on their own.  What shows did I leave off?  Can you remember a moment where a song met a show and the two forever connected in your memory? Continue reading Top 5: TV Shows With Good Taste in Music

Trailer Time: Sons of Anarchy Season 7 (2014 F/X) *Season 6 Spoilers*

SOA was a party I came late to, picking it up in season four.  It’s easy to dismiss it as just a show about a biker gang, but it’s so much more.  Taking Hamlet and setting in the context of this contentious motorcycle gang has produced something unique and completely addicting.  Season 6 ended with a heart-breaking shocker and Season 7 (the show’s final) looks like the ending in Charming won’t be any happier than it was for Hamlet in Denmark.  Sons of Anarchy returns to F/X on September 9th.

Top 10 Most Shocking TV Character Deaths

Sometimes a list cannot be contained to a Top 5.  When that is the case, a beacon lights the night sky and in swoops….TOP 10!  There’s no way you’d have written that I’m using 10 instead of 5 more dramatically.  You just wouldn’t have.  ADMIT IT!  All right.

First off, I have debated whether or not to even do this list.  That’s how incendiary it could be.  Let us be clear: THIS LIST IS NOTHING BUT BIG HONKING SPOILERS!  If you are in the middle of watching a TV show….really any TV show, this may spoil it.  I take no responsibility for that because I am warning you IN GIANT RIDICULOUSLY WARNINGISH TEXT NOT TO CONTINUE IF SPOILERS WORRY YOU ON THIS TOPIC!  If you want to continue, after the break, we’ll start talking about the most shocking, the most jaw-dropping deaths in television history. Continue reading Top 10 Most Shocking TV Character Deaths

Top 5: Songs on My iPod

Top 5I’m not exactly sure how life existed before the iPod.  I recall living it, but it was very quiet or required the use of a Walkman (typing that makes me feel ancient).  Maybe it’s because I grew up listening mostly to movie scores, but it seems that life is always better when set to music.  I’m kind of disgruntled that there’s not a constant soundtrack being composed for my every day living.  These are honestly things I think about.  I wanted this Top 5 to be more participatory since we have a lot of new Time Killers, and also because the best way to discover new music is to steal it from your friends.  So these are the top 5 songs on my iPod and by that I mean most-often played.  Be honest.  “Hey Jude” is one of my favorite songs too, but if you’re listening to “99 Problems” more often, that’s what goes on your list.  This would be a very different list if I wasn’t on my fifth iPod and my stats keep resetting.  For someone with OCD about numbers, that’s not cool.  At any rate, have a wonderful holiday weekend, those of us in the States, and please share your music.  Be not ashamed.  We shall not judge.  Ok, that’s a lie, but it’ll be funny.
Most Often Played Song’s on Dave’s iPod:
1. “I Will Wait” by Mumford & Sons
2. “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers
3. “Broken” by Lifehouse
4. “All My Days” by Alexi Murdoch
5. “House of the Rising Sun” by The White Buffalo (from the Sons of Anarchy)
Mumford and Sons