Tag Archives: Sarlacc Pit

Trailer Time: Star Wars Battlefront (2015) *Boba Fett’s Death is Fixed!*

Not only were Star Wars fans treated to ANOTHER fantastic taste of things to come as the franchise’s relaunch under Disney commences this year, but a little piece of important Star Wars news was back-doored into the announcement teaser for Star Wars: Battlefront.  The video game continues the series that was one of the most popular video games the franchise has ever spawned, but in this new Extended Star Wars Universe, all comics, novels, video games, TV series and movies are all canon.

The old EU long-ago fixed one of the worst “deaths” in film history: that of Boba Fett’s sudden dunk into the Sarlacc Pit.  This game shows the beloved bounty hunter fighting in a piece of free downloadable content that is specifically mentioned as taking place after Return of the Jedi.  So not only are we being shown a fantastic game, but Disney feeds the fans even more good news by quietly fixing a huge flaw.  Get Han shooting first and that musical number the FRICK out of Jabba’s Palace and I’ll be dancing on the moon.  Read full details on the DLC and the game itself below.

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Awesome Star Wars Propaganda Posters by Russell Walks

These SW posters were made for a Topps trading card set, but were very striking to me of the type of poster you see pop up during wartime, especially during the early part of the 20th century. Very cool stuff by artist Russell Walks.

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