Tag Archives: Rogue One Review


Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This year’s Star Wars film was the first standalone entry in the franchise, so there was a little concern going in on how it would be received, but it was worry for nothing.  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is well on its way to being the top grossing film of 2016, and will likely win the box office for the fourth weekend in a row.  KT readers weighed in, and the only question seemed to be “Is it perfect or just really freaking amazing?”  I gave the film a 9.25 and you can read the official Killing Time review by clicking here, and ‘9’ was the top rated choice of readers, followed closely by ’10’ and ‘8’.  87.19% of readers gave the film between 8.0-10.  Not.  Too.  Shabby.  Thanks to everyone who voted, and look for another Rogue One-related poll to go up soon!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Death Troopers

Movie Review: Rogue One A Star Wars (2016) *The Half of A New Hope You Never Knew You Missed*

Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the first standalone film in the Star Wars Saga.  As such, there are a lot of questions surrounding it from the general public and Star Wars’ rabid fan base.  I’ve sat here for a good hour and tried to figure out a way to do a spoiler-free review of the film, and I don’t think it’s possible given the level of detail that Star Wars fans care about.  So I’m going to tell you in a quick bullet what I think of the film, then if you don’t want more detail, bail and head to your theater because this is absolutely worth seeing on the biggest screen possible.  Rogue One is definitely its own animal, but at the same time manages to be a Star Wars film so integral to the Saga that by the time it’s done it feels like the first half of A New Hope that you never realized was missing.  It’s not perfect; it’s not the best film of the year; it’s not the best Star Wars film; and, at times, it struggles with the balance of standing alone and blending with the Episode Films.  Its issues, though, are fair outweighed by what it gets right.  Rogue One an action-packed return to the days of the Original Trilogy that takes one sentence from A New Hope’s opening crawl and expands it into a story that makes A New Hope a better film and the Saga better as a whole.  It’s a very different Star Wars experience, but one very much worth having, so go now if you haven’t already! (Thus endeth my spoiler-free portion). Continue reading Movie Review: Rogue One A Star Wars (2016) *The Half of A New Hope You Never Knew You Missed*

POLL: What’s Your Review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?

Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This year’s Star Wars film is the first of many standalone entries we’ll be getting exploring key moments and favorite characters in the Star Wars Universe.  Advance reviews for the film are largely positive; not quite the level The Force Awakens got, but better than all the prequels and Return of the Jedi.  You can read the official Killing Time review by clicking here, but what did you think?  Did Rogue One live up to your expectations or leave you feeling Force-drained?  Vote, vote, vote (WAIT UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY SEE IT), and in the comments below tell us where you think it ranks compared to the other seven films.  You’ll have one month, probably about the time the film will rule the top of the box office, to see the film and rate it from 1 (awful) to 10 (on par with the best Star Wars films of all-time).  So get your votes in, and we’ll see what the KT community consensus is for first standalone entry in the the Star Wars Saga.

Chirrut Inwe, Donnie Yen, Stormtroopers, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Donnie Yen)
Ph: Film Frame
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