Tag Archives: Rogue One Original Ending

Rogue One’s Original Ending Explained

The Final Frontier has gone through and compiled a detailed  look at what the reshoots actually changed in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  The film is a perfect example of dramatic reshoots improving a film and not being the knell of doom they’re usually viewed as (though I still think the first act in Jedha is a little choppy).  Going through the scenes we all thought we were getting from the trailers that never appeared in the film, the video offers a lot of great insight on what was a cut and what was never intended to be in the film in the first place.  One thing I found interesting was that I assumed that the decision to kill the whole team (no, I didn’t put a spoiler warning on it because you’re a putz if you haven’t seen it by now) had been a part of the reshoots, but Lucasfilm authorized that before filming began. HOW the team perished though was a large part of the reshoots.  Check it out while we wait to hear the details of what will be on the Rogue One Blu Ray and when we can expect it.