Tag Archives: Rogue One

Vader Unleashed: The Final Scene From Rogue One!!!

A bonus “My Favorite Scene” this week as I try to catch up on the backlog of posts, and because Disney has apparently stopped trying to play whack-a-mole with the army of determined Star Wars fans trying to put this scene up on the Internet.  If you have yet to see Rogue One….well, then we here have no pity for you, this scene alone was worth the price of multiple admissions.  In Rogue One, more than in any SW film, we got to see Vader in the suit in his prime, and the result was both horrifying and awesome. Continue reading Vader Unleashed: The Final Scene From Rogue One!!!

Rogue One’s Original Ending Explained

The Final Frontier has gone through and compiled a detailed  look at what the reshoots actually changed in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  The film is a perfect example of dramatic reshoots improving a film and not being the knell of doom they’re usually viewed as (though I still think the first act in Jedha is a little choppy).  Going through the scenes we all thought we were getting from the trailers that never appeared in the film, the video offers a lot of great insight on what was a cut and what was never intended to be in the film in the first place.  One thing I found interesting was that I assumed that the decision to kill the whole team (no, I didn’t put a spoiler warning on it because you’re a putz if you haven’t seen it by now) had been a part of the reshoots, but Lucasfilm authorized that before filming began. HOW the team perished though was a large part of the reshoots.  Check it out while we wait to hear the details of what will be on the Rogue One Blu Ray and when we can expect it.

Rogue One Will Have No Opening Crawl!!

Darth Vader, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Jyn Erso

The official review embargo for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will not lift until December 13th: three days before the film’s release.  Skywalker Ranch, this weekend, hosted a 28-minute preview of the film and the thoughts coming out of it sound extremely positive, but also bring a surprise: Rogue One will have no opening crawl.  Not only will there be no opening crawl, there’s no Star Wars logo or fanfare.  The film will go right from the iconic “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” to the film’s opening.  I honestly don’t know how I feel about that, but I’m cruising on a lot of trust in Disney right now.  Other notes included very positive reviews of Felicity Jones and Diego Luna, that Ben Mendelsohn’s Director Orson Krennic is a very different sort of Dark Side villain, and that Alan Tudyk’s K-2SO will steal the film.  I know they have to set the new spin-off films apart, but I don’t know that they needed to go so far as to remove completely the traditional opening.  If anything, I would think the spinoff would need the crawl more to place them in context for casual fans.  But, like I said, Disney’s done no wrong with the franchise since they got it in my eyes, so I’m still locked in on the countdown to Rogue One‘s opening on December 16th.

Rogue One Trailer #2 Picture Gallery: 70 HD Images from the Trailer!!!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Death Star

Now that you’ve watched the third and final trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story a couple hundred times, it’s time to start dissecting the best shots from the trailer.  There are actually THREE Vader appearances in the trailer once you break it down, and a slew of the gorgeous imagery we have come to expect from the prior trailer.  Here are almost 70 HD Stills for you to rotate as your desktop wallpaper and blow up and examine with a magnifying glass for hidden meaning.  Rogue One: a Star Wars Story opens 2 months from TOMORROW!!! Continue reading Rogue One Trailer #2 Picture Gallery: 70 HD Images from the Trailer!!!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer #2 (2016) *Save the Rebellion! Save the Dream!*

Debuting this morning on ABC’s Good Morning America, we got our second full trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  This will, almost undoubtedly, be the last look at the film before it hits theaters December 16th.  The teaser focused on Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and introducing the mission.  The first full trailer fleshed out the members of Erso’s squad who will be working with her to steal the plans to the Death Star, and was a slow burn introduction to our first look at Darth Vader in the film.  This final trailer for the spin-off focuses on the relationship between Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) and his daughter Jyn and confirms the rumored story point that Galen is the man who is the architect of the Death Star.  It gives another look at Vader, and ties the themes of the first two trailers together in a piece that has us counting the 62 days until Rogue One‘s release.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Darth Vader, Death Star, Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forrest Whitaker, Donnie Yen, Star Destroyer, AT-AT, Director Orson Krennic, Diego Luna, Gareth Edwards, Disney, Lucasfilm