Tag Archives: Ra’s al Ghul The Big Bad in Arrow Season 3

Trailer Time: Arrow Season 3 Trailer #2; PLUS Ra’s al Ghul Has Been Cast

While Arrow battles it out atop the “What’s the Best Show on TV?” poll, the series has released a new trailer for the show’s third season.  We all knew, after hearing rumblings during the first two seasons, that one day Ra’s al Ghul was coming to Starling City.  Liam Neeson, who portrayed the villain in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, said last week that he would have been willing to reprise the character in a heartbeat.  So Arrow producers went and cast former professional rugby player Matt Nable (he also was in Riddick….so there’s that).  You know what?  At this point, Arrow has so earned my trust that I’m going to go along with it even though seeing Neeson as Ghul again would have been a geeky dream come true.  Look for al Ghul to make his first appearance in the season’s third episode.  Arrow returns to the CW on October 8th.Ra's al Ghul, Arrow, Matt Nable