Tag Archives: Rancor

Original Rancor Costume from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Rancor, Star Wars, Return of the JediGeek Tyrant posted this very cool look at a piece of lost Star Wars history.  This is the original suit for the Rancor monster who attacks Luke under Jabba’s Palace.  Originally, they were going to rock it old school Godzilla style, but ended up scrapping it (thankfully).  Here’s what GT had to say: Continue reading Original Rancor Costume from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Top 5: Star Wars Origin Spin-Offs I Want



The word came yesterday that the Star Wars spin-off movies will be origin stories.  I don’t know that will be the case for all of them.  Boba Fett’s origin is already laid out in the prequels and he’s one of the first names that comes up for a spin-off.  Some characters I don’t really want to know their origin.  I don’t want Baby Yoda.  But some would be great and for the first, you’d just have to adapt James Lucerno’s Darth Plagueis novel (it’d fill in a lot of prequel holes as well).

1. Emperor Palpatine


2. Darth Maul (this would make up for a lot….a LOT, Lucasfilm!)
Darth Maul, Sith, The Phantom Menace, Ray Park

3. Han Solo (you could roll a lot of Lando and Chewie’s in here as well)

Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Star Wars

4. General Grevious
General Grevious, Star Wars

5. Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles, Star Wars

Honorable Mention. Sadsack Rancor Keeper (I need to know his motivation)
Rancor, Rancor Keeper, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars