Tag Archives: Mork and Mindy

“Make Your Life Spectacular” – Robin Williams In Memoriam: 3 Years Later

Hard as it is to believe, this month marks three years since Robin Williams’ left us.  Doing this blog, I write about a lot of celebrity deaths, but in the time that I’ve been doing it, and in my life really, the death of Robin Williams hit me like I’d lost a family member.  Good times and bad, the man had a boundless joy running through him in such volume that you weren’t sure if it was going to actually make it to his mouth or go bursting out his ears.  All that being said, his suicide didn’t surprise me, it just made me profoundly sad.  People look at funny people like Robin and think how happy they must be, but humor doesn’t come from happiness; humor is the best bad way to cope with deep pain.  The theory being that if you can’t escape your own demons and be happy yourself, maybe you can bring a smile to someone else’s face.  I think Williams was happy when he was making others happy, but the need to be ON all the time and to do that must have been tremendously exhausting.  I miss him, like I miss a friend gone on before, and this video from Goalcast which manages to take his graduation speech from Jack (NOT one of his better movies) and marry it to a beautiful montage of his career, is just beautiful.  I think it’s the way he’d want to be remembered.  Then if you find yourself tearing up after the first one, check out this interview with Craig Ferguson a few years before his death and you’ll remember the joy of just watching the man talk.  We miss you Robin, and thank you.

RIP Robin Williams (1951 – 2014); The World Loses A Comedic Genius

Robin Williams

He’s gone.  He was an unrestrained joyous comedic presence in American television, film and stage.  His boundless energy, willingness to tackle any subject with humor and to use humor to fight some of the world’s most desperate ills made him a beloved figure  to myself and millions of fans around the world.  The news has just broken, but it appears Williams took his own life after battling severe depression.  He was very open about problems with substance abuse and depression and would work them into his act, giving others with the same battles a smile where none previously could exist.  He was….simply brilliant at anything he did and it breaks my heart that someone who brought so much joy to so many people reached a he place where he couldn’t go on.  I don’t think any celebrity death has so shocked me and personally affected me in years.  The feeling I’m most left with, past the shock and sadness, is one of profound gratitude.  I owe this man thousands of smiles and laughs, and I’ll always remember him dispensing those with an energy I’ve never seen before and I don’t think I’ll ever see again.  The latest on the situation is below, courtesy of CNN.  Rest well, Robin. Continue reading RIP Robin Williams (1951 – 2014); The World Loses A Comedic Genius