Tag Archives: Leonidas

My Favorite Scene: 300 (2009) “Immortals Battle”

THIS!  IS!  AWESOME!  300 is a movie bursting with so much testosterone that watching it at home may cause your home theater to grow hair.  I plan on re-watching (for the umpteenth time) 300 before 300: Rise of an Empire comes out and doing a full review, so I won’t go into the movie.  Suffice it to say, I’m a fan.  In picking my favorite scene, you have the obvious “This is Sparta!” or “Tonight we dine in Hell” choices, but as the majority of the movie is combat, I thought I would pick my favorite portion of the battle and that would be Leonidas and the brave 300 against the Persian Empire’s Immortals.  The scene is a bit long so it’s divided into two parts and it is NOT FOR THE KIDDIES!….but it is awesome.

300, Leonidas, Gerard Butler
Fan Art by Dogyfox