Tag Archives: Far Cry 3

Killing Time – March 28, 2013

The ongoing war with KT archnemesis, Lista de Email, continues!  The score stands 7 – nil, LDE.  When will you bow to my superior spam blocking techniques?  I do realize, yes, that I’m taunting a bot and that by making its programmers mad, I may have in some way provoked the 64 spam messages that accumulated in the filter overnight.  But that’s logical thinking which has no place here!  We deal in dreams and I want an archfoe.  The spam back-up may also be due to the increased site traffic.  We passed 50 followers, 1800 views and 70 countries with hits this week which is just tremendously humbling and exciting.  I’ve been getting more comments on posts and that is really awesome.  I’d love more dialogue with the readers so please always feel free to comment in a non-trollish manner.  I hope all have a wonderful Easter weekend and thank you again for reading KT.

Books: Bioshock: Rapture by John Shirley
Shift Omnibus by Hugh Howley

Blu Ray: Warrior (Extras)
Game of Thrones Season Two (Extras)
Intouchables (Redbox)

TV/HULU:  The Amazing Race Season Twenty-Two
Community Season Four
Family Guy Season Eleven
The Colbert Report

Music:  For some reason passing my understanding, I listened to the score to A Beautiful Mind all week long.

Video Game
: Bioshock 2: Minverva’s Den DLC (finished)
The Walking Dead Episode 5 (finished)
Tomb Raider Legend
Assassin’s Creed III (frustratingly stuck in Concord)
Darksiders II
Far Cry 3
* XBOX Live, gamertag: sleeplessdave; feel free to friend me!

Comics:   Fables: Werewolves in the Heartland by Bill Willingham
The Winter Soldier Vol. 4: Widow Hunt by Ed Brubaker
Hawkeye Vol. 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction (READ THIS)
GI JOE IDW Collection Vol. 1 by Larry Hama & Chuck Dixon