Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Diego Luna, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones


Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This year’s Star Wars film was the first standalone entry in the franchise, so there was a little concern going in on how it would be received, but it was worry for nothing.  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is well on its way to being the top grossing film of 2016, and will likely win the box office for the fourth weekend in a row.  KT readers weighed in, and the only question seemed to be “Is it perfect or just really freaking amazing?”  I gave the film a 9.25 and you can read the official Killing Time review by clicking here, and ‘9’ was the top rated choice of readers, followed closely by ’10’ and ‘8’.  87.19% of readers gave the film between 8.0-10.  Not.  Too.  Shabby.  Thanks to everyone who voted, and look for another Rogue One-related poll to go up soon!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Death Troopers

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