Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Adam Driver, Star Wars, Star Wars Episode VII

Killing Time’s Top 10 Films of 2015

Ex Machina, Alicia Vikander, Domnhal Gleeson, Oscar Isaac,

Any way you look at it, 2015 was a fantastic year at the movies.  Granted, it started slowly, but it’s fall was one of the best in recent memory.  I swear, I’m not getting soft, but I handed out six 10.0 scores this year, and I think that’s the most I ever have (even pre-dating this blog).  For the majority of the year, Alex Garland’s Ex Machina reigned atop my list only to be unseated at the end of the year by a perfect return to a galaxy far, far away.  Oscar Isaac and Domnhall Gleeson, who starred in both films were the male breakout starts of the year, while Margot Robbie, Daisy Ridley and Alicia Vikander all delivered star-making performances.Spotlight, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo
Year-end Top 10 lists are a staple and a tradition and we’ll be doing them for TV and Video Games, as well, but keep in mind that I’ve only seen approximately 50 films from 2015, and many of the Oscar films haven’t released wide yet.  I still need to see Creed, The Good Dinosaur, The Revenant, Brooklyn, and a number of other films that may alter this list, but this is how it stands at year’s end.  If you click on each, it will take you to my full review of the film.  Feel free to post your own lists below.  It was truly a great year to be a movie fan.

1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

 2. Ex Machina

3. Spotlight

4. Mr. Holmes

5. Steve Jobs

6. Sicario

7. Inside Out

8. The End of the Tour

9. The Martian

10. The Walk

Honorable Mention: Mad Max Fury Road, Furious 7, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, The Big Short, Avengers: Age of Ultron


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