POLL RESULTS: Best Video Game of 2014

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor


The votes are in and the KT community has chosen Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor as the video game of 2014.  This was my pick as well.  I’ve sunk nearly 90 hours into the game and I’m only 33% through the plot.  It just makes hacking your way through Sauron’s army in a pre-Hobbit Middle-earth that much fun.  Coming in second was the polarizing but addicting Destiny, and Watch Dogs and Titanfall came in at a tie for third.

Thanks to all who voted and get ready for our next poll, our most solemn duty as time killers of the year, as the Oscars announce their nominations, we will begin the heated and always-close process of choosing The Killing Time Community Film of the Year.  In 2013 it was The Dark Knight Rises.  Last year, it was Gravity.  Which film will be our pick this year?  Get ready to vote!  It is your duty as minute stabbers!

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