Guardians of the Galaxy Empire Magazine Covers – Heroes & Villains

Two new looks at the Guardians out today courtesy of Empire Magazine.  One cover focuses on the core team and the other gives us probably the best look we’ve had thus far at the trio of villains (in addition to Benicio del Toro’s The Collector).  Djimon Honsou as Korath the Pursuer, Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser and Karen Gillan as Nebula.  The article also confirms that Nathan Fillion will have a small cameo in the film, though did not disclose his role.  This movie can’t be over a month away.  Just looking at what we have between now and Guardians…we’re going to be some happy geeks when August 1st rolls around.
Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy

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