Josh Brolin, Sin City 2

Trailer Time: Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For (2014)

Sin City is something I just haven’t been able to get into.  I’ve tried to watch the film a few times and it’s gorgeous, but I just….I don’t know.  It doesn’t resonate with me.  Given that Frank Miller has sold a gajillion graphic novels of it and the first film was a cult hit, I know many of you feel differently so here is the first look at the sequel which will hit theaters on August 22, 2014.

Eva Green, Sin City 2

3 thoughts on “Trailer Time: Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For (2014)”

  1. I really admire the stylishness of the first one. It’s an impeccably-made movie. And I continue to be amazed by how perfectly Frank Miller’s style translates to the screen. But the level of violence and gore in Sin City is just too much. I am not a remotely squeamish person, but I do appreciate it when extreme violence has a purpose other than a purely aesthetic one. There are other Miller works that are far more deserving of big screen treatments. I wish a live action DNR were in the cards.


    1. That’s essentially how I feel. I just couldn’t get into them because I found the content off-putting, but I’m not sure why since Watchmen is every bit as mature. Did you watch the 3 hour animated adaptation of DNR? The blu ray has a hour documentary on Frank Miller that’s outstanding.


      1. Watchmen approaches Sin City in terms of violence, but it’s also a dead-on satire and deconstruction of the superhero genre, and it’s overstuffed with social commentary and genuinely fascinating characters. With Rorschach (perhaps the coolest comic book character of all time), Moore actually made me care about a psychopath. And the stuff with Dr. Manhattan is so perfect. Bottom line: Watchmen has substance and depth, but there is little to Sin City above and beyond ultraviolent neo-nor stories. It made for a cool-looking movie, and, I would argue, a better movie than Watchmen ended up being, but when it comes to the source material there is no comparison.
        I have seen DNR on blu ray. DNR and Peter Weller make for essential viewing in my universe. But I have not seen the documentary yet. I will make sure to.


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