Russell Crowe, Gladiator, Maximus

100 Greatest Action Movie Punchlines Supercut

It’s time for what may be, possibly, our final montage of 2013….no, that makes me too sad.  We shall have to have a montage on 2013 montages scheduled for New Year‘s Eve.  I’ll have one of the interns begin cobbling it together immediately (oh yes, the KT intern program is working out beautifully, though I do wonder how much longer we can keep pretending to be a pre-eminent law firm with so many Star Wars LEGOs in the conference room….)At any rate, this montage which is actually put together by LaughingSquid, honors and celebrates the time-tested fact that all action heroes much be able to punctuate carnage with catchphrases of the utmost wit and sophistication.  Here are the top 100, as compiled.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to see if I can get an intern to carve a statue of a Balrog in the lobby entirely out of wheat.  Interns are truly wondrous beings.

Oh, a naughty language warning.  Action heroes tend to think in rather common speech and when you combine that with firearms and adrenaline….well…it’s really the same explanation I gave the interns regarding the human lawn dart competition the research team used them for last Tuesday.

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