JJ Abrams, Almost Human, Karl Urban, Lily Taylor

Trailer Time: Almost Human (2013)

The most anticipated fall premiere not involving SHIELD agents is JJ Abrams’ Almost Human starring Karl Urban (Star Trek).  Abrams has a bulletproof TV record, so any new series initiated by him is event TV watching.  Check out the trailer for the pilot and tune in when Almost Human premieres on FOX Sunday November 17th.

Almost Human is a high-tech, high-stakes action drama set 35 years in the future, when police officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids. An unlikely partnership is forged when a part-machine cop (Urban) is forced to pair with a part-human robot (Michael Ealy) as they fight crime and investigate a deeper cover-up in a futuristic new world.

JJ Abrams, Almost Human, Karl Urban, Lily Taylor

2 thoughts on “Trailer Time: Almost Human (2013)”

    1. I know, right? Fringe totally grew on me. I thought it was his first failed TV series but somewhere around the end of the first season/beginning of the second the mythology just exploded and hooked me to the end. Lol, I have to admit, watching Lord of the Rings now, when they get to Denethor…I totally see Walter Bishop in a wig having a daffy moment thinking he’s a king.


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