Tag Archives: Will Smith Movies

Movie Review: Focus (2015) *Will Smith is Will Smith Again!*

Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Focus
The most remarkable thing about After Earth, Will Smith’s last movie (unless you count the three seconds he was in Winter’s Tale), was that somehow M. Night Shaymalan had completely neutered him of all personality.  Will Smith may well be the most charismatic, personable person in the SOLAR SYSTEM.  He has likability fountaining out of his ears.  So to manage to turn him into someone completely devoid of an ounce of personality may be the low point (or high point if he was really TRYING to do it) of Shaymalan’s baffling career.  Whatever else you want to say about Focus, it is bursting with Will Smithiness. Continue reading Movie Review: Focus (2015) *Will Smith is Will Smith Again!*