Tag Archives: TMZ

JJ Abrams Responds to Leaked Star Wars Episode VII Photos

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

JJ Abrams has finally responded to the slew of photos from both Abu Dhabi and Pinewood studios that have leaked on to the Internet courtesy of TMZ the last few days.  Tweeting from Bad Robot’s account, the director said, “I wish people would stop leaking photos from Episode VII. And making ridiculous claims that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie.”


To me, this is so droll that it confirms what we’ve been coming to suspect all along: that JJ is behind the leaks in the first place.  OF COURSE the Falcon is in the film.  No one’s surprised by that.  Nothing spoilery was in any of the photos.  The same new creature appeared both in Abu Dhabi and then in more detail in London.  I think this is JJ throwing a bone to the fans by showing them that they’re building practical sets, using practical f/x and putting a film together that channels the Original Trilogy.

Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.
TMZ has done it again! This time they got someone into Pinewood Studios, where Star Wars Episode VII is currently filming and got pics of the Milennium Falcon under construction, what looks like an X-Wing and more shots of the practical creature from The Gallery of Tatooine Shots. These leaks seem a little too easy for someone as security-mad as JJ Abrams. I think he may be using TMZ as a conduit to leak some tidbits that really tell us nothing, but get us excited as all get out. THEY’RE BUILDING THE FALCON!!! How are we supposed to wait until December 2015???? Continue reading Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!

Star Wars Episode VII – Massive Gallery of Over 40 Pictures from the Set

The Episode VII team recently finished shooting in the Abu Dhabi desert, which is doubling for Tatooine in this film.  First of all, all credit to TMZ for the photos and the report and clearly the photos are their property.  Fans scouring the photos will see some interesting looking buildings, a lot of extras, a moisture vaporator or two and-the big catch-a new alien.  From TMZ’s report:

Jedi sources tell us the new alien was manned by 5 men inside it’s belly … and was used in two scenes taking place in what looks like a Tatooine marketplace (Star Wars nerds get it)

According to reports, producers intend to use less CG in the new movies — instead, relying heavily on practical effects like the original trilogy … which is evident in these photos.

That makes me extremely pleased as has nearly everything about Episode VII thus far.  But you want to see photos so I’ll shut up and let you examine every frame.

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